Arthouse Galleries

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Arthouse was established some 17 years ago and has built up an enviable reputation, showcasing the nation's favourite artists.

The gallery is open 6 days a week offering a diverse range of Original Paintings and Limited Edition Prints from international best-selling artists alongside fresh new talent. We also offer stunning sculptures and glassware.

Arthouse Galleries
67e Victoria Road
020 8390 2307



A concerned customer: as someone who has had 2 valuable pictures taken in for framing and is now concerned about the shop (which has not so far re-opened, as of 17 June 2020), please be aware that the url you quote above has no validity. If you type it in it comes up as a domain for sale. Why it is shown in the shop front i do not know, but how many of us actually tried it out in the past?

Thanks. I’ve removed the expired url.

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