Caboodle Style

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Have you ever…

…looked in the mirror disheartened to find you’re wearing that same dependable black outfit again?
…felt envious of other people’s style and wished you could put together such a look for yourself?
…invested a lot of money in a wardrobe of items you barely wear?
…wasted precious time on unsuccessful shopping trips?

If any of these sound familiar, then I’ve the answer for you.

Hi, I’m Laura Robinson – Caboodle Style. My independent personal style and shopping advice for men and women is refreshingly practical, friendly and affordable. Like many of my customers you could find a style session will arm you with clever yet simple tips and techniques for achieving the look you really want and make aimless shopping trips and expensive purchasing mistakes a thing of the past.

Talk to me now on 07799 713 814 or email

Caboodle Style
3 Claremont Gardens


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