Mogul Cars

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Mogul Cars
116 Ewell Road
0871 716 1875



Does anyone have any recent experience of either Mogul or Greenleaf Transportation? Want to book a taxi home from our Christmas Party on Friday (in London) for pick up at 00.30 then delivery to Surbiton & Thames Ditton. Would like someone who will a)turn up and b) be on time. I called Mogul but they said they wanted payment up front which the other passengers and myself were a bit wary about? Prices pretty similar £37 quoted for Mogul, £38 quoted for Greenleaf so not much to choose between them except the potential service!

Always use Mogul (over 10 years). Often have to ring to check they are coming as they can get stuck in traffic on Ewell Road. Always turn up, never been asked to pay upfront and often use them on New Years' Eve to get to Epsom. Have used them to get to Putney. Always ask the likely cost at the time of booking


Always reliable and on time!


I use Mogul Cars all the time and have never been disappointed. They are always polite and punctual. I've used most of the car companies in Surbiton and the only one that comes close to Mogul on the service front is Travelsure although I've only used them a couple of times. I'd definitely recommend that you give Mogul a try!


company is going down the drain

No surprises, there! If you need a cab, stick with the black cabs at the Station (8399 1630); or the only minicab firm in Surbiton worth dealing with - Travelsure (8399 0399).

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