Queen's Promenade

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Queen's Promenade
Portsmouth Road



The riverside walk into Kingston is one of the really nice things about living in Surbiton. It is just a shame that Portsmouth Road is SO busy. With a little less traffic noise, you could forget that you are in a London suburb at all as you walk down the river with views over endless parkland on the other side.

I am sure that others could find a more picturesque riverside walk further out into the countryside, but I doubt it would have a regional shopping centre at one end and a station with a 15 minute journey into London at the other!

And as you walk along the river, isn’t it fun 'bumping' into the cyclists on the so-called ‘no cycling path’ where it clearly states on the pavement .. "Walk your Cycle", I got 2 of them on Sunday, great fun!


Queens Promonade? Is this how you spell Promenade, in broken [Great] Britain then?

Well spotted. We've fixed it.

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