Tolworth Tesco Planning Consultation Forum

Nov '06
Mon 13th


Tesco have now formally submitted their planning application for the Tolworth development. Kingston Council have arranged a public forum to discuss the proposal, 'The Planning Consultation Forum gives you the opportunity to ask the applicants and their advisors and Council officers, questions about the proposals and planning policies relating to the site.'

Kingston Council have also set up a page on their web site with details of the plan, along with information on how to submit comments on the proposal.

Read more on the Kingston Council web site...

November 13, 2006 - 7:30pm


Yes,I think about environmental impact all the time when I see the appalling legacy of inadequate road and rail building.
Lets get some good fast flowing non humped roads sorted out and some decent new homes,thousands are needed with 500 net new settlers every day.
We will never get affordable housing with the nimby attitudes of this area,it is not leafy suburb it is a dormitory town that is increasingly difficult to get to,unless some bold schemes are built,and swiftly,this corner of London will stagnate even more.

I totally support Tesco’s plans, and believe this is exactly what Tolworth needs to bring it back to life, put it back on the map, create jobs, more homes…

For me the positives outweigh the negatives by far!

And as far as you are concerned, those positives are?

With asking a question like that, you’re probably opposing this development and will struggle to see any good in this… so it’ll be pointless to try and convince you that Tolworth is crying out for this kind of developments, in my opinion.

ok, if you aren't prepared to list the positives, what about listing the negatives then?

The big negative that i see is that the Tolworth blight currently in place will simply slide into a graffiti enabled,crime ridden no go area.
For many folks this is already true after dark or early mornings.
Local authority or the state cannot abide swift and vigorous action to rectify any problem,it needs vision,money and clout and yes lets celebrate that in Tesco we might just have a champion to halt the decline.
I have lived in the Surbiton area for 30 years and the Broadway has always looked run down and a place to drive through as quickly as possible.

I am a Tesco shareholder and therefore am very interested in this plan.

I have to say that I am rather disturbed to see Tesco putting forward such a poor idea for such a striking site and hope that they will reconsider.

What is required from them is bold and imaginative plans to resculpt the entire area,including the A3 underpass and Tolworth Broadway so that the possible addition of 20,000 vehicles daily can be accomodated.

How about a giant car park part underground with a monorail link via Tolworth/Surbiton to Kingston.This would open up the now dead areas of both Surbiton and Kingston.All charity shops and expensively branded coffee outlets are just not needed and if Tesco can get into the Estate Agency business we can dispense with all those outlets too.

This will allow the smaller niche retailers so beloved by the greens etc to flourish once again.

Go for it Tesco you are a true National Champion and I look forward to hefty dividend increases in the years to come.

Hmmm does any one ever think about what impact all this development has on the environment! As for the graffiti / run down areas, surely that's not the fault of the past and current residents nelecting their duties to intill common sense and good standards in their children and hance the community! Sort your own house out before trying to support a development which aims to resolve the symptoms of your problems as that's not the solution long term. Council planners are bread from these run down places which explains why most developing London booughs are so badly planned and managed!

To "Planners have just about " - have you even read the Tesco plannig submission yet?

My guess is that you haven't because it states that this development is expected to generate an additional 6400 vehicles a day?

If you think that the Ewell Road (or its improperly used, rat run of a sibling, King Charles Road) is congested now, just wait for a fair proportion of that 6400 vehicles to try and squeeze in as well.

I live close to both roads and I don't want my children to have to breathe the fumes of an extra 6400 vehicles just so Tesco can make more profit.

As a Surbiton resident, I don't what you mean when you say that obstacles that have allegedly destroyed Surbiton.

I do see the planenrs of allowing poorly designed buildings and overdevelopment in places, but in the main Surbiton is a pleasant small town to do grocery shopping, with two supermarkets and two smaller foodstores.
These shops attract people to shop in other shops there.
With Kingston close by, Surbiton needs these stores if it is to maintain a commercially significant footprint.

There is no question that some of these grocery stores would close if the mega Tesco opened down the road, adding further to the anticipated congestion, and running down Surbiton town centre at the same time.

Have read outline application and would expect our council to negotiate hard and robustly for Tesco to either to make funds available to allow TFL to rebuild/construct proper roads/flyovers/tunnels whatever is required to breathe life into Tolworth/Surbiton and Kingston.Just look at the number of empty shops and charity shops around.The place is dying fast as a shopping and leisure area.

It is only good as a dormitory for London/City workers as long as the rail system creaks along,but without longer trains/tube or round London rail links to crossrail the place has had it.

Luckily i have sold up while prices remain bouyant and am moving out Birmingham.

The planners have just about destroyed both Tolworth and Surbiton by making as many roads as possible into obstacle courses.Kingston is already in decline as one cannot get in or out and park.Forget park and ride,who wants to lug their shopping around all day.

Unless massive regeneration is allowed for both Tesco and Surb Hospital sites the area will become a student ghetto.If the sites are planned with proper and maximum use and access for cars with trunk roads reopened to through traffic it will be the saving of Surbiton.

Just look at the chaos of Ewell Road and King Charles Road,now New Malden is a no go area and ever more parking slots are removed.

Where oh where are the planners with vision?..The car is here to stay only the fuel will change.

This can't be allowed to happen. It will destroy Tolworth's diverse range of independent shops and create traffic chaos. Tesco's aggressive expansion must be stopped NOW!

A development of this size will threaten not only Tolworth, but will have devastating impact on Surbiton town centre as well.

I'm amazed the planners are even considering the application when they have already said the site was in no way suitable for retail development.