Woodcraft Folk activity session for 6-9 yr olds

Jun '11
Sat 4th


Berrylands Scout Hut
Sterling Walk

The Woodcraft Folk are running a free activity session for 6-9 year olds that shows the sort of things on offer at weekly Woodcraft Folk group nights.

The activity session will include everything from biscuit-decorating and face painting to Parachute Games and sing-a-longs with loads of other activities and crafts on offer for kids to get creative and have fun. The event will take place on Saturday 4 June from 2 till 4pm at Surbiton Pet Club in Berrylands. This is in Stirling Walk, which runs between Raeburn Ave and Grand Ave, in the middle of the Hogsmill Public Open Space.

The session is free and open to all 6-9 year olds, on a drop-in basis. Parents, guardians and younger and older siblings are also very welcome.

More details are on the local Woodcraft Folk website at: www.tolkingwoodcraft.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

June 4, 2011 - 2:00pm