Images in the Blue

Sep '12
Tue 4th


The Cornerhouse
Douglas Road

Underwater photographer Terry Arpino is staging a stunning exhibition of prints at the cornerHOUSE in September.
The photographs have been taken from around the globe - the Red Sea, Philippines, Thailand, Belize, Jamaica, Bermuda, Costa Rica, Co Co Islands, Maldives, North Africa, Kenya, Malta, Corsica and the British Isles.

The prints, on show at the arts centre in Douglas Road, Surbiton, from September 1-29, are Lenticulars 3D, a form of state-of-the-art printing which takes underwater photography to a new dimension.

The exhibition invites the viewer into the aquatic scene, giving a breathtaking perspective into the beautiful and magical world of marine life in all its variety of shapes and colours.

This is the first time an exhibition in underwater photography has been printed in this medium.
Terry, who lives in New Malden, started diving in 1970 and was inspired by the TV programmes of marine conservationist and filmmaker Jacques Costeau to explore underwater photography. He then made it a career, facilitating diving trips and selling underwater camera equipment from his specialist photographic centre Aqua Photos in Fulham.
"The beauty and solitude one experiences when diving draws me back again and again, for if I could live for a million years I would never see it all!" said Terry. "It is always a different experience, every time you dive, with its unparallelled colour and excitement."

Terry has shown his work at a number of venues including the Royal Academy, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and for the British Society of Underwater Photographers' London Dive Show.

His framed photographs at the cornerHOUSE are for sale from £500.

All are welcome to attend the gala evening on Tuesday, September 4 from 7pm to 9pm. Come and meet Terry and hear about his travels and adventures all over the world in his quest to take spectacular underwater photographs and discover the wonders of the deep.

September 4, 2012 - 7:00pm