My Generation

Nov '12
Sat 24th


The Cornerhouse
Douglas Road

A 2028 reality TV show sends a renowned advertising executive and his son, Tom, back to the late 20th century.
When the unexpected happens, Tom discovers a huge generational divide.

My Generation is Surbiton playwright Tim Burton's latest play - the sixth he has written and directed, and the fifth which has been performed at the cornerHOUSE in Douglas Road.

"We are delighted to be back at the cornerHOUSE to preview a new play that takes a fresh and humorous look at local life in the recent past and the near future," said Tim, who will be taking the comedy on social misbehaviour on to Hampton Hill Playhouse after its debut at the cornerHOUSE.

Tickets for the show are £6 each. Visit to book.

November 24, 2012 - 7:45pm