Surbiton Scottish Dancing - St Andrew's Evening

Nov '12
Thu 29th


100 m
500 ft
St. Mark's Church Hall
Saint Mark's Hill

Surbiton and District Caledonian Society
St Andrew’s Evening
Thursday 29 November 2012 from 8pm – 10:30pm

There is Scottish Country Dancing every Thursday beginning 6 September 2012 until 27 June 2013 from 8pm to 10:30pm at St Mark’s Church Hall, Church Hill Road, Surbiton.

We dance 12 Jigs, Reels and Strathspeys with a tea-break half-way through. Membership costs £5 per year (or part of a year). Apart from the Burns Supper, members pay £3 for an evening and non-members £4 for an evening.

Everyone brings a Canadian Supper for the St Andrew’s Evening and the Society provides wine and fruit juices.

Our club is very friendly and informal and newcomers are made especially welcome. Not only is Scottish Country dancing good fun but it is a great way to get fit!

Phone our secretary on 01932 784866 or look on our website

November 29, 2012 - 8:00pm