- The Cornerhouse
- Douglas Road
- KT6 7SB
- Map
The last days of the life of Jesus will be powerfully and movingly portrayed in The Passion, to be staged at the cornerHOUSE from April 5-8.
With scenes depicting his joyful arrival in Jerusalem, his arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection, this second part of the highly acclaimed Mysteries trilogy promises to be a memorable experience – especially in the lead up to Easter.
Created by poet and playwright Tony Harrison, and first performed at the National Theatre in the 1980s, the Passion is based on the medieval English mystery plays.
The show starts at 8pm. Doors (and bar) open at 7pm.
Please note, this is a promenade performance so comfortable shoes are advised. Wheelchair-accessible.
Tickets are £9 (£7 concs). To book visit https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/event/173351