- The Cornerhouse
- Douglas Road
- KT6 7SB
- Map
The CornerHouse canvas competition is up and running again this year.
Canvasses are on sale in the CornerHouse at £2 each and all submissions will be exhibited.
The exhibition will hang in the CornerHouse until 19th January 2009. There is no age limit .
So you have six weeks to complete your canvas and return it to the CornerHouse between 10am and 3pm on either the 8th or 9th of November.
All exhibits are anonymous and voting will be by the number on the canvas. There will be prizes for the second and third places and a special Under 16s category. The overall winner will have their canvas submitted to the Royal Academy for consideration for their Summer Exhibition 2009. The winner will be announced at the Christmas Cabaret on 6th December starting at 7.30 pm.
Do take part in this fun event the exhibits in the past have been extraordinary, exciting and creative.