You know, the one between Ravens Ait and Kingston Bridge.... Am I right in thinking it has burnt down or collapsed?
How long ago was it in-use? Does anyone know the story behind it and why such a valuable piece of real estate has been left to fall into disrepair? Is it on Crown Estate land?
I know the one, it was lovely at one time and an Estate Agent's board was up for ages about two years ago, don't know if it was 'For Sale' or 'To Let'. I think it must be on a very short lease if leasehold, or belonging to the Crown Estate, not a straightforward house to buy, probably with restrictions. Such a shame, it seems to be crumbling away. I am sure the Council would help you if you need to know details about it. What a view though, and very quiet.
I remember a planning application going in for this house a couple of years ago to demolish it and replace it with a flash-looking glass house. The plot went on the market briefly with a price of around £2m.
The planning permission must have been refused and the house has been the subject of extensive vandalism and now seems to be being slowly demolished.
I used to run past it and thought it was a lovely little house, after the owners moved out it got smashed up pretty quickly , I walked past it yesterday and it looks like the roof has gone now - all fenced off, it's a shame was a nice place.