Advice on Flats to rent....

13 years ago...


Apologies if this is in the wrong section but I was just wondering if anyone can help? Have been having a read on the forums and seems like there is a good little community here. So was wondering if anyone knew of a flat to rent or how to go about finding one without agencies.

I'm a 31 year old police officer and am looking to move to the area with my girlfriend who is a veterinary nurse. We are looking for a 1 or 2 bed place with a garden or at least some outside space, ideally in the Surbiton/Kingston/Teddington/Hampton areas. Not keen on letting agents so thought I'd just see if anyone knew of anything on offer at the moment. Top end of the budget would be about £950 per month. We are excellent, low maintenance tenants and can provide references if required.

Also does anyone know of any places (newsagents/shops etc) that would put up ads for flats to rent?

Many thanks



Hi, I have a flat in Adelaide Road and want to rent it at the beginning of February, two bed and two minute walk to Surbiton Station. Nothing needs doing, all cream with wood kitchen. if you are interested I can give you some more info, contact me at

Check the Martin's newsagent opposite the station in Surbiton and the other little newsagent right next to it for ads.

In terms of budget, with £950 you are looking right at the top of the one bed market and right at the bottom of the two bed market if you want to live in a decent part of Surbiton.

There are very few flats available with their own private gardens and the ones that there are tend to be quite expensive. There are quite a few with communcal gardens, though, and these can be massive on some of the old Victorian places.

Many thanks for the information, I'd ideally like to be between the river and the high street but I suspect that this is the in demand area! I will definitely try Martins, thanks again

Yep, the 'river roads' area is the most expensive area of town (for flats/small houses at least). Even so, £950 should get you into a 1 bed flat with a communal garden there, especially without agency fees involved!

Excellent, thanks again!

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