Anti-stab protection

16 years ago...

I have been issued with an anti-stab vest like many other public sector workers. I've also heard that even traffic wardens have been given them in Surbiton. I never thought things would get this bad in my home town!


What is it you do?

I have just this moment read about the sentence handed down to the person who actually stabbed someone to death in a Kingston nightclub last year - 4 years in prison!!!

This is the sort of sentence that should be given to people just for carrying a knife, with 10 years+ if they use it, and a full life term if they actually kill someone.

The government have truly lost control of knife crime, and with sentences like this, they are not likely to get it back anytime soon.

This is just another excuse by this useless government not to face up to the issue. If there were actually decent sentences handed down for carrying knives rather than a slap on the wrist/one year in prison, we would not be in this situation in the first place.

Once again, political correctness is standing in the way of proper deterrants.

It's pathetic! Silly season news stories propagating hysterics. Last summer kids were chained to the sofa for fear of abduction.

My deepest sympathies to friends and families affected by knife violence, but this has been going for years, centuries, millennia.

I applaud all efforts to make our world safer, but really. What next? Armoured milk floats? Lollypop ladies in gas masks?

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