Avenu Estate Agents, 5 Brighton Road. Where are they ?

13 years ago...

What has happened to Avenu Estate Agents at 5 Brighton Road (near bridge)? One minute they were there and the next they were gone. The guy who had taken it over from AP Homes a year or so ago, seemed to work very hard so I am quite surprised.



I know this may be a long shot, but do the people who replied to this post saying they had contact details for Hammad Afzal still have them please?

I have also been trying to trace him to no avail and would be happy to go in with anyone else on action against him.

Many thanks

I managed to get deposit back after tracking him down-contact me for details


Do you still have these details - we have been trying to track him down for over a year as he has run off with our deposit as well. Any help would be very gratefully received!!

Thank you!

My deposit was supposed to have been paid into the tenancy deposit scheme but never reached them. This is the 3rd agent to do this at the same address (whoever is letting out that building next to saucy kettle is not doing their checks) - was previously LetMe who also ran off with deposits. I have done some digging and managed to find a correct home address and love telephone number for the agent who ran off (Mr Hammad Afzal) and I am about to threaten action. I know likelihood is slim however Im sure Im not the only person he has cheated out of a deposit and so I am looking for others who may also want to bring action! Please add a comment below if you have been affected

I would be very interested if anyone has any contact details or leads as they seems to have run off with my tenants deposit! Has this happened to anyone else?

Was the deposit not secured by http://www.depositprotection.com/ etc? By law you leave yourself open to court action if not.

Who cares?

If you saw the quality of the properties in the window that he was offering, you would know why.

Mostly studio/bedsits with terrible photos. One had an unmade bed, Rizzla packets lying around and dirty washing visible.
Also had a £450k flat in the Docklands for sale, bizarre.

I saw it became vacant sometime last week.

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