Has anyone else noticed that almost every road has white vans,scaffolders,delivery wagons full of concrete,bricks,hard core etc?
It seems that every 2 bed is becoming 3 or 4,every 3 bed 4 or 5 and every 4 bed 5 or 6,bolt on conservatories,loft extensions,rear garden new builds and older houses being demolished for flats or "cheek by jowl" chav palaces.When will it all stop the population must be soaring,the schools are already wholly inadequate,the road system is farcical,just try driving down the Ewell road either to or from the A3.
The whole point of living in Surbiton,for many people,was the pleasant outlook along many roads,the trees,the front gardens,now long paved over for the X5's.It is really difficult to even get on a train let alone get a seat between 0700/1000 and back from the city 1600/2100.
Time to spend some of our money on better rail services and proper trunk roads to the A3 before the area seizes up.