The french Tarte

14 years ago...

was there today (tuesday 2pm), great coffee and apple turnover, but very disorganized and busy, good start though, anyone else been ?


Tried for the first time this week. Ordered two croque monsieur, should be good ? waitress forgot to order them. Waited half an hour in total and when they arrived the sliced bread not even toasted and stone cold. They did not charge and we went for a snack in Surbiton.

Beautiful little place,perfect for an afternoon tea!

Saw the queues on the first day but I didn't have the time to wait. It has calmed down now, but I can't see people going out of their way if they are shopping in Surbiton, just for a bakery. They always have Waitrose or M&S much nearer. I suppose its handy if you live close by, but quite expensive I hear. How long before they turn it into an extension of the French Table restaurant I wonder? Maybe that's the plan in the long run .... or am I being my usual cynical self ?

It is not that expensive at all (about £1.80 for a cake) so cheaper than grotty chain coffee shops like Starbucks or cafe Nero. I would say it is much more than a bakery. If it means that it will always have a space for me if people don't want to walk then all the better for me. It is absolutely delicious and long may it thrive because it deserves to.

Much agreed with all of the positive comments. It may be unfortunately inaccessible for me in a wheelchair at the moment, although I have been assured that a ramp is coming. I have only recently discovered this wondrous cafe, but have been caught by their supreme Lattes and made to feel welcome by all of the staff. My heaven. Admittedly, I have used chains of coffee shops before (evil Starbucks isn't coffee, so i wouldn't go there anyway), but, on discovering this cafe became overcome with joy when i discovered it is independent.

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