Glenbuck Road - dodgy?

11 years ago...

Hi all,

My first post on this forum! :)

I am looking for a place in Surbiton and would just like to kindly ask of your thoughts of the back of Surbiton station.

What is the area like nowadays? Glenbuck Court doesn't look great but we are looking at flats around the Lyme Court/Warpole Road part, this part however looks nice?! I can't establish whether Glenbuck Road is dodgy or not!

Your comments are most welcome!



It looks a bloody state, I used to live there and went back to visit a friend the other day.. the outside looks awful! The trees and plants gone from outside the front. Looks like waste land now. Should never have ripped up the grass for the car park years back.

We had similar thoughts about Glenbuck court but have recently moved in and it's lovely. Very quiet, great location and fantastic size property. You get a lot more for your money just because it does not look great on the outside. However, as mentioned in another comment, a lot of work is being done. New doors both on the flats and the main entrances, and new lifts. Lovely views of the woods and beautiful bay windows. We love it here!

I had a lovely view but came home to find it ruind and all the trees gone!

They have removed trees in The Wood??

Did you know anything about the garage doors being changed without telling the people who rent them? New padlocks being put on them and now we can't access our own property inside?

Fair play they needed to be fixed but NOT telling residents or giving them access to their own things - or being there when they were changed, we didn't know until we went to get a suitcase from ours... and no one can tell us how to get the key.

I just hope everything is still in there when we can get in it.


Glenbuck Court is pretty awful by Surbiton standards, there have been drug and prostitution raids there over the years.

Apart from that specific block, it is a good area overall, slightly cheaper than the other side of the tracks due to being further from the river and bars etc, but everything is still within easy walking distance.

Walpole Road itself is one of the most desirable in the whole area in my opinion as it has the 'stockbroker belt' sized houses whilst being much closer to the station than lots of similar roads in Southborough.

And what are Surbitons standards please? Personally I find everywhere here a bit run down and a mess really, Only St James the gated community is nice now. But then with Greater London that happens. This isn't the village everyone claims it is.

I am not sure that is quite fair! The roads around Southborough and the posher end of Berrylands are very well kept and have an excellent feel about them.

I agree that the town centre is very scruffy and parts of it have been ritually abused by many years of council planning mistakes.

Last night, I had a nice pint overlooking the river at Harts Boatyard and then walked up St. Leonards Road to have dinner at the French Table, and I couldn't help thinking how pleasant it was, despite the fact I have lived here for years.

There are nicer places in Greater London, but not that many, and all of them are much more expensive places to live than Surbiton.

Berrylands is not posh. Its just the people who live there think they are something special. I used to live there, never again. Every time I came home to the area it was a dark cloud descending. Its only semis for goodness sake, being overlooked by all and sundry. Give me a little Victorian cottage and friendly neighbours any time. When I sold, even the estate agent put the word Surbiton in the selling details as Berrylands apparently puts people off... Something to do with the sewers. ....

That's interesting.
What in particular is scruffy in Surb town centre?

Have you been to Victoria Road lately? The end by the station is largely ok, but the Sainsbury/pink nail bar end of the road and a lot of Brighton Road is all plastic signage and tack. Much more like Streatham High Road than Chiswick High Road.

There's a posh end to Berrylands?

I didn't mean that any of Berryland is 'posh' per se, but the nicer roads like Pine Avenue etc have got quite a nice feel about them and a certainly not run down.

No,but there are many houses that are now selling for over £1M having been mutilated and converted from 3 and 4 bed semis and detached into 5/6 bedroom chav palaces.
Apparently it because Fulham and Wimbledon are so expensive that picking up a modest one in Berrylands and transforming (mutilating) it is very popular.

That's exactly right. If you sell up in once of those places that you mention, £1m is really not that much money if you are happy to move out a bit. Let's look forward to £1m houses in Tolworth next :(

I must have missed all these Drug and Prostitution raids in my several years living in Glenbuck Court.

I am not sure if there were that many of them! There was a big prostitution ring busted a couple of years ago run by a couple who lived in Leatherhead. They were operating out of a number of flats in Glenbuck Court.

It was one flat - Its in the block I currently am in. And it wasn't a huge raid, no one knew about a raid until it was in the papers.

1 flat, in a block of about a hundred. Pretty low %. I also live in Glenbuck Court. I would say it is deffo not grotty, just blooks like it from outside. Inside are normal fairly nice people, and some deliciously accentric

As chair of the recently formed Glenbuck Court & Glenbuck Studios Residents Association I would like to add that Glenbuck has been left to its own devices by the local authority for the past 10 years or so and has become run down and unloved.

However plans are afoot to turn this building back into the clean and attractive building it once was. We now have a good caretaking and gardening service plus plans are afoot for new lifts, security and signage plus removal of the fence once the new hedgerow is in place.

We are also in talks with local police and will soon have a good Neighbourhood watch in place.

The community is getting closer here also and will continue to grow this summer with fundraising days etc.

So watch this space

Kind Regards

Matthew Page


Did you know anything about the garage doors being changed without telling the people who rent them? New padlocks being put on them and now we can't access our own property inside?

Fair play they needed to be fixed but NOT telling residents or giving them access to their own things - or being there when they were changed, we didn't know until we went to get a suitcase from ours... and no one can tell us how to get the key.

I just hope everything is still in there when we can get in it.


Hello. Please join us on Facebook and message me directly their. You will find us under Glenbuck Court and Studios Residents Association.

Tried to join that facebook group and you must have the setting locked as I can't find it. Came home tonight to find all the Glenbuck trees and bushes gone. Such a shame, my kids and I loved feeding the birds in the nest in that tree - did the nest get relocated? Why would you have all that cut down?

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