Hello everyone

21 years ago...

It feels like I signed up to this list an age ago. It's great that it has now woken up. I think the fact there is a discussion list about Surbiton, shows how much it has probably changed Denise!

When I first moved to Surbiton from Plymouth five years ago I lived in St. Andrews' Square and then lived on the Upper Brighton rd for a while. I now live in Long Ditton.

I moved to the area because I got a job in Esher. I was due to move into the Kingston YMCA for a short while, whilst I found accomodation. I have to admit that I was rather disconcerted when I discoved that the *Kingston* YMCA is not in Kingston at all, but in Surbiton. As I had spent the previous month or so telling all my friends that I was moving to Kingston. (But as the rail link to Esher is better, it worked out for the best). I'm ashamed to admit my (totally unfounded) pre-conceptions included: Terry & June, The Good Life, Twin Sets.

I think Surbiton is a great, lively & busy little town. Lots of residents are willing spend time and money there. I certainly think it's got a much better social scene than Kingston. Kingston is fantasic for shopping, but not so hot on the going-out front (unless you are into Volts!). Indeed, friends who have been to visit me have been most impressed by a) the amount of take aways b) the amount of in/expensive restaurants and c) the amount of pubs!!

I totally agree with you Jerry anout the lack of a B&Q. It was especially bad timing for me & my boyfriend, as we just moved into our new flat as the B&Q stuff down. Since we don't have a car, it was a total pain, as we had to rely on parents to take us to New Malden to get the DIY stuff we needed. Having said that, I am also a bit of a sucker for a nice supermarket. I guess it must be giving Sainsburys and Somerfield a run for their money. I think the architecture is quite funky. I suppose it is kind of out of place, but anything is better than the leaky roof the B&Q employees had to suffer with!

Well, that's enough waffle from me...

It's nice to chat to you guys. Bye.

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