Hidden Gems

15 years ago...

Hello everyone

I moved to Surbiton a few weeks ago. I really love it there. My partner and I are so happy that we made the move.

I was just wondering if people had any suggestions of what they think are great things in Surbiton; so your fave restaurant or shop.

Also, since I hate nothing more than being let down, what places you think are worth avoiding!




The best/worst feature is useful.

A couple of my own opinions, though:

Indian Restaurants: Red Rose (great food but very tatty), Joy (Modern)

Chinese: Yum Cha

Other: The French Table

Pubs: The Victoria, Grove Tavern, Harts Boatyard

Bars: Gordon Bennett, Rubicon, Bosco

In terms of ones to avoid, I would say the East India restaurant and the Chinese next to it. A lot of the other pubs are OK, but if you can't abide by chavs you would do well to avoid Wetherspoons, St Marks Tavern and the Saucy Kettle.

Odd,I find the East India does a very good Bhuna Prawn on a stuffed Paratha,cant speak for the takeway though.
Most if not all the Chinese are Cantonese so usually very bland.

We should take this opportunity to remind Surbiton.com users of our 'Best/Worst' feature. Though still under development, it allows you to rate, review, compare and even berate Surbiton businesses, facilities, amenities or anything else you care to nominate.

We realise the feature is still hard to navigate, but Restaurants can be found here for example.

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