Hogsmill River - Cotterill Road/Ellerton Road

13 years ago...


Wondering if anyone can help me on this one. I'm in the process of buying a house on Cotterill Road and the hogsmill river improvement scheme has come up as a query on the title deeds.
Solicitors don't seem to be able to get any response out of the council on what the implications of that are for the home owners. Anyone living on Cotterill Rd or Ellerton road backing onto the stream know anything about what the improvement scheme or maintenance rights might be? Has this caused any problems?
Many thanks



I live further upstream and the council recently repaired the the retaining walls as there was a subsidance issue. Was all done to a high standard and even got new railings so looks smarter. Might just be to do with maintaing the structure of the stream channel and ensuring there are no blockages. Nothing to worry about in my opinion.

Not heard anything about this and can only find info on the net referring to the 1950's.
Based on the length of it I imagine it would all be done from the water side albeit I've never known it get above 5 inches in depth so maybe they're just going to be dredging it?

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