Lower Marsh Lane
We are looking to move to the area and are interested in a property on Surbiton Hill Park that is approx. 5 mins walk to Berrylands Station near the sewage works. We have heard such mixed reviews re the smell............is it really that bad and does it effect the resell price of the house when sold??? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you
It's a sewage works so you will get the occasional nasty smell. There's no escaping it. I don't think it's as bad as it used to be though. It feels like Thames Water try to keep the smells down, but still make occasional mistakes. But when it's bad, it's really bad.
You get what you pay for, and your property price will already account for the proximity.
Don't forget about our crowd-sourced Smell-o-meter page: http://www.surbiton.com/smellometer
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