How to wipe Surbiton clean of the Chav menace....

16 years ago...

I was out with my friend heading into Kingston . A very large man jogged past us.
A few moments later a chavmobile boomed past and a spotty, malnourished face emerged and shouted something along the lines of: "whatchoo runnin' for you fu'ing wanga"

The man stuck his finger up at them and instantly became a role model for me.
Predictably the vehicle screeched to a halt and a youth in an Ali G tracksuit emerged and started doing a strange arm-swinging dance in the man's direction. At the same time he enquired if the gent was seeking a physical beating and did he know of a good doctor.

Things happened very quickly after this. The first scumbag got close to this man and received what I can only call a world-class uppercut. Three others had emerged from the car ready to assist their leader in yet another easy beating and froze at the site of this. The man carried on jogging in a very calm manner in their direction.

The nearest two regained the moral high ground by informing him that he was a 'c**t' for 'chinnin'' their friend.The larger of the two nervously stepped in his way only to be doubled over by an honest to goodness flying kick.

The remaining two gangstas decided they would let him live this time and stepped aside, hurling a bit of predictable abuse when he was about 30 yards away.

Life is sweet.....


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Superb anecdote!! There's nothing more heartwarming on a friday than a story about some useless oik having his face rearranged in front of his boyfriends brilliant!!

As for the poster who said he shouldn't have resorted to violence, it seems to me as though he was just trying to go for a jog and was subsequently invited to exhange blows, which he cordially accepted!!

And I think it is far more disgusting that you think a man who resorts to violence immediately is your hero.

I have never understood why seemingly normal people seem unable to tell the difference between working class people who may sometimes wear leisure wear and nasty scumbag thugs. Some may wear the same clothes but scum is scum and I may dress in leisure wear sometimes but I would NEVER be rude to anyone who had not harmed me or would ever thieve or hurt anyone.
Please stop your narrow minded snobbery and understand that there are rude obnoxious people who wear suits or dress like librarians (from my own experience) and there are very polite, kind, nice people who you would consider "scum" because of the way they dress. Grow up!

what an excellent post Oscar all these nasty posts masquerade as "anonymous" as well. I can only thnk they have never lived anywhere other than Surbiton if they think the place is that bad. To read their posts you would think that Surbiton is the Bronx!!!

Surbiton seems to be harbouring more than its fair share of hatred of the leisure wear brigade. I feel genuinely sorry for the culprits on here who post comment after comment on the so-called chav and YMCA scum and who presumably have nothing better to do than to expiate their venomous, loathsome misanthropy from the anonymity and comfort of their laptops. Might I suggest that if the world is so tainted by the presence of the less fortunate that you consider checking out of it and stop bothering people with your narrow-minded and contemptable whinging? On the cheery topic of forced sterilisation I would personally like to volunteer the new-moneyed Pollyannas that haunt the watering holes of Maple Road for such a laudable social experiment. That should strike a better balance in the local area and their removal might make a genuine contribution to social engineering assuming that they haven't already sterilised themselves with their insipid and incessant braying into their Blackberrys. At least try and introduce a little more originality to debate on Surbiton if you cannot show more than an ounce of decency.

Gosh how interesting Anonymoustooscaredtoshowname. There was an article in a newspaper about a month ago about how Welsh houses are being bough by chavs and pikeys as second homes. You definately confirm this.

We don't live in Wales, we’ve 2nd homes in Wales, b[filtered word] a long weekends enough!

BTW bonehead, it's spelt SURBITON, at least get the basics right

Traditionally English oh I see okay well if all the English people living in Wales move out I will move out of Surbtion back to Wales. Is that okay with you then ANONYMOUS?

Surbiton is like any other town, it has its good and bad areas, its black and white areas etc

I hope that Surbiton remain traditionally ENGLISH

What is going on in this forum?

I found it a useful tool to research an area that I was interested in moving to. Now that I have committed myself into moving into Surbiton a number of racist comments start appearing.

I have to say I am worried that I have made a mistake. I hope not as it seems like a lovely area on the surface.

TG I am sorry, and I must say I was surprised to see you posting such a childish and inarticulate post as you posts are usually very intelligent. Its probably one of the cowardly little anonymous posters hiding behind your skirts - how very pathetic!

That ISNT a post from me!!

When I post here I'm not afraid not to use my online user name unlike some others -

however this is the 2nd post with some one pretending to be me!!

the other was removed by I'm presuming the web master and I will flag this one also as I dont respond to bullying and intimidation as this is what I believe they are trying to do .....

MSJMR y frggn MPPT, s bgt th nly wrd tht y knw? Tnk Grl

The above text has been deliberately disemvowelled as it is in breach of the terms.

No I have quite an extensive vocabulary thank you TG and chavvy words like muppet and friggin aren't among them.

Wel brave anonymous! What a nasty cowardly little sneak you are, insulting people and not giving out a username in case you get picked. Go and change your nappy you big baby.

MSJMR, y'r nt vry brght r y? Rd th thrd, t clrly stts tht t ddnt hppn n Srbtn... DH!

The above text has been deliberately disemvowelled as it is in breach of the terms.

Whats the positive side ?

The positive side is

It provides a roof over some people's heads (not ALL residents are criminals)

It has an inexpensive restaurant

It is an inexpensive venue for parties and events

It has all sorts of classes

Lonely people can go there for a free Christmas lunch on Christmas day.

Some of you "anonymous" bigots on here might benefit from the last point as you are bound to be quite sad lonely people judging by the standard of your posts and your neanderthal mind sets.

I am glad that he stood up to them, though I can't say I have ever witnessed any of this kind of behavour in Surbiton so I am guessing it is a rare occurence.

Why is it that some people on here are obsessed with the YMCA they think its the root of all evil, it does have a positive side as well.

Erm, this is a bit sad really, isn't it.

The whole of the original post has been copied from the website about an event that supposedly happened in Havant:

Well spotted! I wonder what motivated Victoria to post it? Reading some of the other posts here makes me wonder if there's a campaign to dis Surbiton for some reason.

Somehow I doubt we'll seeing much more from Victoria in 'her' current guise.

fight violence with violence??

call me wrong but isnt that just re-inforcing violence???

"If only all thugs were taught a lesson in this way!"

In what way, sticking 2 fingers up, is that going to teach them a lesson then?

B[filtered word] this reads like a Jeffery Archer novel

A chavmobile boomed past and a shouts out at a very large man jogging "whatchoo runnin' for you fu'ing wanga"

This 'very large man' jogging does a 2 fingered salute and “instantly became a role model for me”

Why didn’t this 'role model' jogger just reply with "because the pubs about to shut" or anything that would have lighten the situation, or simply just kept his mouth shut and jogged

Hardly a role model is he?

Why should the law abiding public take abuse from this scum grimboyd? If only all thugs were taught a lesson in this way! Most of them hide in the YMCA.

Are you sure you weren't misinterpreting what you saw?

Perhaps they were offering him a lift? They might have been saying, 'I say, what are you running for? Ride with use if you want to.'

The runner then playfully jostled passed them insisting he gets is daily exercise. They then call, 'Don't waste your energy. You can't'.

I see this sort of thing all the time in Surbiton.

Or simply round them all up and sterilize them,probably not allowed to in case it violates there human right to annoy and cause mayhem and offence to all and sundry.

Surbiton seems to be harbouring more than its fair share of hatred towards the leisure wear brigade. I feel genuinely sorry for the culprits on here who post comment after comment on the so-called chav and YMCA scum and who presumably have nothing better to do than to expiate their venomous, loathsome misanthropy from behind the anonymous comfort of their laptops. Might I suggest that if the world is so tainted for you by the less fortunate that you consider checking out of it and stop bothering people with your contemptable, narrow-minded whinging? While we are on the topic of forced sterilisation, I would like to volunteer the new-moneyed Pollyannas that haunt the watering holes of Maple Road for such a laudable social experiment. That should balance things out in this area a bit better and their removal might make a genuine contribution to social engineering assuming that they haven't already sterilised themselves with the microwaves from their incessant, insipid braying into their Blackberrys.

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