Lost cat

12 years ago...

We've lost our beautiful brown cat in the Balaclava Road area. He's one year old, very slender - similar to a siamese or burmese. He's really friendly and only been going outside since we moved to Surbiton two months ago, and is not very streetwise. He disappeared late at night on Friday 30 March. If you live on or around Balaclava Road, please check your sheds and/or garages - he meows a lot so will most likely talk back if he's there. Please let me know if you think you see him.


Oh dear Helena, please let us know if you find him. I hate stories like this, I love cats!

Thank you - I will - we've just been putting posters up and leaflets through local doors, so hopefully someone will have seen him.

posters worked for us when we lost our Bengal, good luck and hope hes found

Thanks - it's good to hear stories with a happy ending. We've put posters around Balaclava Road and Victoria Avenue, and had a sighting from someone who said he was looking frightened and running in the other direction on Saturday morning. But it's almost four days since he went missing now so we're going to put more up further away from home.

A quick update to say that we've found Smokey - somebody spotted him trapped on top of a building (about 30ft) behind the garage on Brighton Road. When we arrived a window cleaner with a huge ladder conveniently walked past and lent us his ladder so we were able to get him down then. He's hungry, thirsty and thin but still in good spirits and very fussy. Thanks for your messages.

Oh thanks goodness Helena, that's made my day. Bless him.

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