The Mad Hatter - Another real Subiton Pub goes downhill?

12 years ago...

The Mad Hatter - Another real Subiton Pub goes downhill?
I can't believe it - I just cycled past the Mad Hatter pub (Ewell Rd) to find it is no longer the Mad Hatter, but is now "The Victoria"!. I guess this is all part of the conspiracy to rid Surbiton of real pubs and take them down the gastro-route or closeure, as seems to be the case of (new) "The Victoria".
Not long ago I spent a glorious beery saturday nite in this guaralelously drinking den of iniquity. An Irish put-together jam session was ensuing with a wild, amazing kid wizard fiddle player in lead.

I cannot 't venture in there right now as my raw predujices will reflect the same theme as the catastrophe that has befellen The Lamb, Surbiton Flyer, and Elm Tree.
Has anyone out there drank in the "The Mad Hatter" since it's rename?

Please let us know if it has sank to the depths of yuppyism or has retained the idea of a real pub for the locals. Thanks

I shall visit and report back in 2 weeks when I am next back in town



I noticed that it was now called the Victoria when I drove down Ewell Road last week. I do think it is a bit weird changing the name to that when there is already a Victoria in Surbiton!

I have never been into the Mad Hatter as it is the wrong end of Surbiton for me, but it would indeed be a shame if it has become less of a traditional pub.

I can't agree with your other three gripes, though. Although I prefer traditional pubs to 'gastropubs' myself, the Lamb and Surbiton Flyer were badly run holes before the current owners took over, anything would have been an improvement. I actually quite like them both.

The Elm Tree/Duke of York has been a chain-type pub for ages (remember when it was a Hogshead?)and whilst not a traditional pub, the current offering seems better than it has been because at least the food is good.

It was originally called The Victoria before it was renamed The Mad Hatter. I remember it causing confusion when I was younger.

They'll no doubt have several people every week wasting time going to the wrong one. Perhaps it's a ploy for getting extra business.

It's closed down and up for sale.

I've just been there (or tried to). Pub changes it's name and a few weeks later it's locked up solid with a "premises to let" sign outside. What a shame.

However The New Prince was always the better of the 2-pub-cluster and still a great drinking establishment.

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