The Manor - Old Malden

14 years ago...

Pub - next to Malden Manor St - due to close & be sold off to Sainsburys


Very Sad to see this pub go. And a great shame that Sainsbury's are filling its place. When I went to school at malden manor 40 years ago, the parade of shops there were thriving, all the mums used the greengrocer and butcher, post office, shoe shop, newsagent, laundry etc. We stopped shopping locally and it seems we pay the price of supermarket inflated prices and fresh fruit and veg that have been in cold store for months and are tasteless !!!

I don't know the area, but it is always sad to hear about this type of thing.

Surbiton has been fairly lucky with the number of pubs lost, although the Red Lion in nearby Tolworth has now been razed. The only pub in central Surbiton that has shut down in this recession is St Marks Tavern - no loss, really and not a 'real' pub anyway, just a standard shopfront.

It would be good if they could find anyone to fill that space as it is a real eyesore.

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