Money to burn on taxis?

13 years ago...

I never cease to be amazed at the number of taxis waiting at Surbiton station in the evening, and now I know why. I've just looked up the prices and it seems that after 10pm for a 1 mile journey the cost is £5.20- £8.60, 2 miles £8.00- £12.40 and 4 miles £15-£23. Amazing!

Seems to me that taxi driving is a way to make an easy, unskilled, living - must find out how to book myself a knowledge test! Remember how to get from Surbiton to Tolworth? Um, yes I think I probably could.


The smart money is on going around the back of the station to station cars which are quite a few quid cheaper than the black cabs. I get them to Long Ditton every now and again and it costs a fiver. Last time I got a black cab a couple of years ago it was more than seven quid.

Yep, crazy prices, but the demand is there. I once got a taxi the half mile journey from Surbiton station to my house (it was pouring with rain!) and swore never to do it again. I see cabs dropping of people in my road every night, though, so clearly some people don't mind these prices.

Some years ago, I remember one of my neighbours drove her nice BMW convertible to the station every day and paid to park it in the station car park. I was invariably on the station platfrom before she was even though I had walked. That must have been costing her over £1k a year.

I am not sure it is that great a business for the cab drivers either - queue up at the station for 20 minutes to get a fare, get £5 for the journey and then join another £20 minute queue!

"taxi driving is a way to make an easy, unskilled, living"

Clearly you have no clue how much they have to learn - and it can take 3 years to pass, so its a longer time than A Levels.... They do the knowledge and they have to buy the taxi out right and cover all costs.

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