Moving into Berrylands

7 years ago...

My partner and I are looking at moving into the top end of Berrylands, near the station. Just wonder if anyone living in this area can tell us about their experiences here - good place to live? Safe? Tranquil? Local amenities? Happiness factor?! Would really appreciate any genuine feedback. Thanks, in advance


good place to live? Yes it is - nice people a community feel and good properties.

Safe? yes - although there have been burglaries recently, London's finest are on it and we get regular updates from the MET about things we can do / look out for

Tranquil? It is suburbia - not tranquil but peaceful enough.

Local amenities? are OK - you want milk/bread - no problem as there are a few clutches of shops - particularly around the station where you mention you may be living. the Berry is a great pub, for all things bigger Kingston provides

Happiness factor?! how is this measured? i predict yours will increase by at least 9%. possibly more :)


Hi @theboywiththethorn - have you moved in yet? We're looking at a place on Rose Walk (which is about as close to the sewage as you can get) - wondered if you had any recent experience there. Or in fact if anyone from Rose Walk could comment on this?

Definitely spend some time there first! There is often an unpleasant smell emanating from the sewage works. A lot of people don't seem to notice it or mind it, but I find it awful, especially in the summer.

Apart from that, it is nice enough. It is cheaper than a lot of the rest of Surbiton as it lacks the river, bars, restaurants, amenities and fast trains.

Where it makes up for that is being quieter, with lower levels of crime and a zone 5 station (Surbiton is in zone 6) that you may even allow you to get a seat on a train in the morning. Trains take 30 minutes, which is still quite quick compared to most places in Z5/6.

"often an unpleasant"

I wouldn't say it is often at all. Maybe you'll notice it a few days a year and as long as you aren't too close to the station you'll barely notice it all year.

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