moving to Surbiton

16 years ago...

I've been reading with interest the posts on the good and bad things about Surbiton as my husband and I are currently looking at properties in the area.
We can't afford the river roads, and have been looking at houses around the Alpha Road estate. It would be great to get some views on that area - is it a friendly place to live? safe at night? can you walk to and from the station safely in the dark?
We're moving to have more space to start a family, so any views on where else in Surbiton might be affordable and young family friendly would be very welcome.
Many thanks,


I've not lived there myself, but Alpha Road seems quite a nice area. There's quite a nice small park nearby, Ewell Road shops, pubs, restaurants, library, hospital - but it's not the main Surbiton shops. Access to the station's not bad for the morning, the hill can seem a bit steep on the way home. The nursery school there is supposed to be pretty good. There's a council estate, but it's quite a nice one - this is Surbiton after all.

The Alpha Road estate is ok. It is certainly not the best part of Surbiton, but is priced to match. I certainly don't hear too many reports of trouble there.

As you will probably have gleaned from other comments on this site, Surbiton is generally a very safe and friendly place to live. The only slight 'problem' areas are in the town centre around the YMCA (where the council house their undesirables), and occasionally at the station.

If you are looking to start a family, the river roads may not be the best bet anyway. Berrylands is quieter and cheaper than Surbiton itself, and always seems more family friendly.

we just moved to surbiton from sw london, loving it... surbiton doesn't sound very cool, but it is!

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