New China City to become another Indian?

13 years ago...

Has anyone else heard the rumours that the 'New China City' restaurant on Brighton Road is set to become another Indian restuarant.

Is this part of a grand plan to turn Brighton Road into the Brick Lane of the suburbs? The is going to be right next door to the cut-price East India and within a few second walk of the Red Rose, Maya and Joy.

There are also another 4 or 5 Indian restaurants at the other end of town in Ewell Road.

I love Indian food, and I know that Surbiton is a bigger town than it appears due to all of the flats, but surely there is a limit to how many Indian restaurants are required? The other Brighton Road ones are often fairly empty during the week as it is!


We gave it a try and were impressed.
It seems to have combined the best qualities of all the others.
It also has some unusual dishes such as fish samosas.

I like the 'Open Now' sign in the window and then lower down it says 'Closed' ..

Tolerance eventually begats intolerance and as all the shops in between eventually get taken over by prdominantly Indian families as a change of use of each shop then takes place it wil be too late to do anything about it because people will be too scared to speak out for fear of.... I would not like to live close to the constant smell so as people move out other more tolerant people will move in, and so it goes on and spreads like creeping tentacles. Don't say it wont because it has and what you are witnessing are the early stages. What's wrong with someone opening up an old style cafe with a Pepsi Cola sign outside and seving good British food from 0600 to 2200. Eggs and chips with two slices and a cuppa all day with mum's Kate and Sidney pud and two veg. followed by apple crumble mid day at realistic prices. Better than filling your guts with Ghee night after night.

I tell you what, why don't you do us all a favor Anthony and move out right now, you and your bloody ghee!
"These bloody foreigners the come here take our jobs, women and blah blah blah"
I agree with the others, I welcome another restaurant, but would much prefer to see something that we don't have such as Thai.

Hmm. Interesting reactionary reply Anonymous. You see you have misinterpreted what I have said and put in something I didn't say. God help Surbiton. Time wiil reveal all.

I don't want to appear alarmist or racist but It seems to me that there have been too many planning applications for Indian restaurants / take-aways passed in one area which are not in the public interest because of the way things could progress onto the next stage and turn Surbiton into another ethnic concentration of shops like Southall. What may seem harmless now could result in something horrific for people living in the area. Property values in the locality will plummet. Ithink you should all get together and jump on this now.

It's a bit different, though, isn't it?

Southall has a large ethnic population and the restaurants and food shops have opened to support the demand of that community. Surbiton is 90% white and I don't think that asian people are going to start moving here just because there are a lot of curry houses! The only people that will experience anything horrific are those living directly behind the restaurant and that will be no worse than the smells already coming from KFC and East India.

This just seems like a strange choice of restaurant for the location, but I'd welcome another 'ethnic' restaurant like a Thai or Mexican place instead.

Is this part of a grand plan to turn Brighton Road into the Brick Lane of the suburbs?

*Eye roll*

I would think that there will be an overpowering smell of curry in that area and the drains could get blocked with Ghee

*Yet another eye roll*

Not sure I understand the 'eye rolls' here. I don't think anyone is being racist by saying that they don't want another Indian restaurant in Surbiton, just that it seems like four within the space of 100 metres seems a bit excessive in a town which has not got a great variety of eateries as it is.

Time will tell, I suppose. If there really is enough demand for them all it will have been the right choice.

That is exactly how the first comment was meant.

I love Indian food, and would actually be quite proud if Surbiton became known as a bit of a destination for it, but I'd probably prefer some other type of restaurants to open up first as the Indian ones one Brighton Road all seem quite good to me.

Well an Indian Restaurant front facia is now installed so its no longer a "rumour"

Apparently his brother owns the restaurant next door and is none too happy about it ...

I would think that there will be an overpowering smell of curry in that area and the drains could get blocked with Ghee. Still there could be a price war on take-aways

The market will decide who survives,my bet is on the East India,not the best maybe,but their Bhuna Prawn on a stuffed paratha is a belter.

It's not a rumour - it's fact. I live very close and cycle past it every day. If it isn't open yet, it's ready to. So, we now have 2 Indian restaurants next door to each other on that street. Full is full! I love Indian food too, but this is madness

It's just opened and called Priya, if I remember rightly. And I second the call for a good thai or mexican place! Maybe Mein Tay could open a Surbiton branch? :)

Memories of Subaldash Road

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