Newsagents at Surbiton Station

16 years ago...

Has anyone else noticed that the newsagents at the station has been taken over by a bunch of bozos! They never have any stock, never open early in the morning and the oyster card machine is never working. I was flabbergasted the other day when they could not even add a few items up as the till was not switched on. They had to use the calculator on their mobile phone. What a sorry state of affairs.


Seriousally do you not have anything better to do with your lifes other than moan on an internet forum. To be honst your all a bunch of moaning loosers who have no lives. If you have somthing to say, say it to their faces and not on a forum. I know why tho, It's cause your scared of them isnt it? so you come here and do it behind their backs instead.

If you want things to change go and say it to their faces and not here becuase wrighting things here isnt going to make any differnce but if you say it to them then maybe somthing will change.

To Hotspanners!

Whilst we are on the subject of grammar and punctuation, putting 'kids' in between commas means you are using it as a subordinate clause, but this is actually an incorrect use of one.

I think the term is 'Don't throw stones if you live in glass houses'...

Its really funny that all the different people defending the shop and its staff make a lot of spelling mistakes in their posts. Could almost be the one and the same person all along :)

^Nice grammar and punctuation skills.

Watch and learn, kids, watch and learn.

im sorry, but being an employee on a wednesday from 12pm, i am highly offended by these comments. everyone working in the shop is under alot of pressure, and being slagged off on an internet site just shows that you can't say all of this to our faces.

I always get compliments for my service during the busy lunch hours, when i have to serve people as fast as possible, because we are busy. We may make some mistakes but is that a crime, i think not!

We are only human and a small buisness so instead of complaining all the time, give us a chance as we are trying to make something out of this place.

I stated in my first comment that i do not work there so if you think i am lying then you are sadly mistaken 'Sherlock', and besides, your comment was entered under the name 'anonamous' so does that mean we are all the same person!?

Also, the reason i know some of the details is that i have come to know and like the lads that work there in the mornings. If you are such an expert on grammar and human writing characteristics, why have you got enough spare time to constantly write on this site?

The hypocricy of this is astonishing, you said i was insulting you by 'lying' to you, but you are the one who is insulting me by saying i am a lyer and a young shop worker when i am 34!

grow up please and lets all be civil in future.

This is all very childish

I go past this shop on my way to work every morning, the young guys in there are always up and doing the best that they can to sort out the mess they have been left with. I speak to them most days and they are always polite and make suggestions to the customer about things they dont have or cannot do.

They are open every morning when i go past, into the station at 6.30, so i hardly think you can say they are not open early enough!

Give them a brake and to be honest, you are in no position to be criticizing anyone considering you waste your lives talking about a business behind the owner's back on an internet thread!

Hopefully it will be sorted soon so we can all be happy again and life can get a bit easier for everyone concerned, including customers!

I seem to notice that a comment has been left about the reason why the last owner sold up and left. the rent on that place most be high. maybe thats the reason that it is un-stocked half the time which does take the piss a bit sometimes i have to admit. In these difficult financial times though people should cut them some slack. I'm sure they will be restocked soon. If you were to look just over the road there's the post office which by the looks of things has got oyster. which is good for all of us. They do though seem to take an absolute age to get your oyster toped up.

But YOU ARE the same 'anonymous' as the earlier post and you ARE the OWNER or one of the servers. Read over your own anonymous posts, the spelling and grammar are identical

Look you do work there ..

Quote "Hopefully all will be well there soon so we will all save some time writing on this site"

How many more attempts by the newsagent staff at insulting the intelligence of Surbiton residents and loyal customers of that shop?

Hole dig, dig hole!

I would like to point out that i do not work there but i know the family and the others who are working there. I understand that the lack of stock and oyster card top-ups must be frustrating for everyone but this is prodominantly due to the shop's location as it is a natural, and fairly reasonable assumption that oyster top-ups should be available there. If it helps, Martin's across the road by the HSBC bank have now got Oyster which is where i now go for mine. The people in the shop have told me that they will be getting the Oyster top-ups back soon so we should all be happy again!

As for the comment about not opening early enough, i would say that they are fairly unfounded as i go past on my way into the station every morning at around 6.30 and they are always open. The young guys that are now in there every day always try their best to sort out any admin and customer issues, despite the consistent early mornings they have to suffer!

Hopefully all will be well there soon so we we will all save some time writing on this site!

Its not a personal attack at all we on here are just complaining about the shoddy service and lack of stock. And if they are working that hard how come they are always chatting about music or films or tv progs they give the imipression that customers are a nuisance. The owner should put someone in there who has more drive and enthusiasm. Anyway after the rude badly spelt post by yet another Anonymous (probably one of the lazy gits in the shop) I certainly won't be going in there again.

As i said they are 18 years old, of course they will talk about music and films. The owner is in no fit state to run the place so her young son is trying to sort out the mess she left behind. I dont think that my post was rude at all, i was just adressing each post and the part i disagree with and defending not only myself (i have been working there for about 3 weeks now) but also the guys that ARE trying they're hardest. As for drive and enthusiasm, i think the young lad thats trying to run the place is probably runing out of drive and enthusiasm due to all the things he is having to put up with and try and sort out. Such big responsability should'nt be put on someone so young but he has no choice, i'm sure at 18 years old he would much rather be out with his freinds having fun working a "normal" much less demanding job than having to stay in sorting staff rotas, number crunching and everything else that comes with runing a buisness and a household.
Cut him some slack.

"Has anyone else noticed that the newsagents at the station has been taken over by a bunch of bozos!"

I feel that this personal attack is unneccicary, i dont think you know anyone there well enough to insult them as you have!

"I was wondering what had happenned as they are very low on stock and these slouchy disinterested kids seem to be in charge of the place, do they own it?"

Again, personal attack with the "slouchy disinterested kids" not neccicary! in answer to you question no, these "slouchy disinterested kids" do not own the shop, but are trying desperatly to keep it afloat after the owner kinda messed things up. Infact an 18 year old guy and his freind have been trying to fix a mess that they did NOT make, the two of them at theyre age should not have to have this much responabilty but have no choice but to work theyre buts off (without pay) to keep this afloat so that they dont lose theyre homes over this to!

"Plus the staff don`t give a toss."
Trust me the staff DO give a toss, you just dont understand the amount of stress everyone that works there is under at the moment.

"I know loads of people who have stopped going in there. The last time I went in, the kid behind the counter was surfing or something on his laptop. After waiting a couple of minutes and getting no response I walked out."

You come across as if someone was surfing the net on the laptop looking at youtube or facebook while you were blatently ignored, is it not possible that the person you mention was trying to sort out banking or stock or something like that and was ingrossed in trying to do his/her job? Maybe if you would have said "hey" or "excuse me" or anything you may have gotten severed, you cant expect to stand there say nothing while someone is obviously busy and get noticed, sorry but that in my opinion is unreasonable.

"they either ignore you for 5 minutes while you are standing there or talk amongst themselves while they are serving you!!! NO customer service."

As before, were the people busy and you said nothing while being "ignored" for 5 minutes? Talking amongst themselves while they are serving you? Are people not allowed to talk to eacother now? As far as i know everyone has always been polite said theyre please's and thank you's while serving and also helped out with the oyster card disaster by suggesting and giving directions to they nearest place you can get an oyster top up Customer service!

"run by two kids"

Point exactly, two young guys are desperatly trying to run a buisness on theyre own with no help, they are barely 18 years old and have had this dumped on them before they knew what was happening, they are trying theyre hardest to not go under and lose the shop as well as theyre home.
I think that before you go jumping in making all sorts of insulting comments and generally being horrible to the poor kids that are trying theyre best, you should maybe try finding out about whats actually going on, instead you come to your own selfish conclusions and have really upset the young lads that are working hard to try and get back the oyster and the stock after being left in the **** through no fault of theyre own! Saying they dont get paid enough to put up with this abuse would be and understatement considering that they dont get paid at all! You all should be ashamed of yourselves for your ignorace and bullying of these young people! It's discusting in my opinion.

In my opinion the shop is fine apart from the lack of cigerettes and the travel/oyster card machines not working. The lads in the shop are obviously trying there hardest to keep the shop open for there owner so instead of whining and complaining on a random forum about the smallest things, why don't you lot actually tell them in person instead of being 2 faced? This is quite pathetic and to be honest everyone complaining in this thread needs to understand the situation that the staff are in.

[quote=Anonymous]In my opinion the shop is fine apart from the lack of cigerettes and the travel/oyster card machines not working. The lads in the shop are obviously trying there hardest to keep the shop open for there owner so instead of whining and complaining on a random forum about the smallest things, why don't you lot actually tell them in person instead of being 2 faced? This is quite pathetic and to be honest everyone complaining in this thread needs to understand the situation that the staff are in. [/quote]

No I won't set foot in the shop again or at least until decent people are running it. Why don[t these incompetent people sell up and get someone in who knows what they are doing.

[quote=Anonymous]In my opinion the shop is fine apart from the lack of cigerettes and the travel/oyster card machines not working. The lads in the shop are obviously trying there hardest to keep the shop open for there owner so instead of whining and complaining on a random forum about the smallest things, why don't you lot actually tell them in person instead of being 2 faced? This is quite pathetic and to be honest everyone complaining in this thread needs to understand the situation that the staff are in. [/quote]

I for one, did tell "them (or you) to the face", without being '2 faced' as you so crassly put it!

And if your the one posting here about your own bad management of the shop, then you will know who I am, because the dude shied away and walked out of the shop leaving a young incapable girl to serve the remaining (loyal) customers

Instead of writing senseless dribble here, grow up and attempt to manage the shop better and whilst your at it, deal with your attitude at the same time, otherwise the shop isn’t going to see the year out, and that’s being polite!

And if your the one posting here about your own bad management of the shop, then you will know who I am, because the dude shied away and walked out of the shop leaving a young incapable girl to serve the remaining (loyal) customers

I'm 25 years old, so not that young. plus the post was not made by any of the staff or management. As for being incapable seems a bit harsh making out that im some sort of idiot, when it's just because i have'nt been working there long enough to know everything yet.
I'm sorry if you had to wait becuase i could'nt work something out quickly enough, i'm always polite to the customers and if i do mess up i always apologise!

So yet again i apologise for my service to you, i promise you i did'nt go out of my way to slow down your day.

[quote]I'm 25 years old, so not that young. plus the post was not made by any of the staff or management. As for being incapable seems a bit harsh making out that im some sort of idiot[/quote]

So you ARE one of the 'servers' in the Newsagent. You now have an opportunity right here in an attempt to 'make good' your childish antics and address your attitude towards the 'loyal' customers and maybe whilst your at it, you could give those boys serving in the place a ‘clip round the ear’ because otherwise that shop isn’t going to last

I was wondering what had happenned as they are very low on stock and these slouchy disinterested kids seem to be in charge of the place, do they own it?

You can now get your oyster card topped-up at Surbtion Newsagent (opp M&C) in Victoria Road

as from sept surbiton station will be doing oyster cards

I went in one day, and the lady who owns the place was shouting at her staff in front of customers. That is not what I call good customer service. Plus the staff don`t give a toss. I stopped going there when they ran out of oyster cards and was told it was going to take six weeks for it to arrive from TFL.

I know loads of people who have stopped going in there. The last time I went in, the kid behind the counter was surfing or something on his laptop. After waiting a couple of minutes and getting no response I walked out.

It seems a very strange situation. Do these kids own it themselves? I am not sure how they would have got the finance at their age. Perhaps they inherited it.

Is this the one next to the station? If so, then I totally agree.

Yes the one next to the Station

I agree too, one was eating a sandwich whilst they were serving. The place is a tip too.

Totally agree with previous comment. Used to go in here to top up my oyster-but for some strange reason they do not do it any more. Don't go in at all now-even thoough its the closest to where I live. they either ignore you for 5 minutes while you are standing there or talk amongst themselves while they are serving you!!! NO customer service.

I heard that the previous owner had sold up due to the relatively high rent and long hours. The good news is that one of the relatives runs the kiosk on the station terminal. Unfortunately, the kiosk closes during off-peak hours. I stopped going to the newsagent at the station when I realised that the owners were completely different to the previous ones. They spent a bit of money refurbishing it and though it's a lot better inside, I can't say too much for the new owners and staff working there.

[quote=Anonymous]I heard that the previous owner had sold up due to the relatively high rent and long hours. The good news is that one of the relatives runs the kiosk on the station terminal. Unfortunately, the kiosk closes during off-peak hours. I stopped going to the newsagent at the station when I realised that the owners were completely different to the previous ones. They spent a bit of money refurbishing it and though it's a lot better inside, I can't say too much for the new owners and staff working there. [/quote]
the newsagent (tayor news) is the worst shop in surbiton,no oyster due,they can not pay there bills had three chances. no cigerrettes and run by two kids. the old owner mr glass sold up and his son in law (john) runs the station kiosk (platform 1). i wish john had the shop instead. he is polite,never out of stock and know how to run a newsagents. get john back in the shop.

I couldn't agree more. Mr Glass and his son in law, John were great. John is at the kiosk and is as sociable as ever to the miserable-looking commuters!

Couldn't agree more about John (didn't know his name before) at the platform kiosk. Very friendly, doesn't mind giving change for a note (unlike the miserable guy who ran it before) and a good selection of magazines, drinks, sweets etc. I'm sure the takings for the kiosk must be much higher than they used to be - good for him.

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