Night-time Surbiton rougher recently?

13 years ago...

Apparently, there was another brawl in Surbiton town centre last night:

This follows the huge altercation outside Macdonalds a few weeks ago, but I notice it has got much worse most times I go up to Victoria Road in the evenings recently.

Last Friday, the were four police cars/vans sorting out a problem at the Saucy Kettle, and there seemed to be problems all the way up Victoria Road as I walked a friend back to the station. OK, it was 'chucking out time', so you would expect the normal Friday night rowdiness, but I have never seen much actual fighting in Surbiton before.

The strange thing is it does not seem to be confined to the typical places like Corkys and the Saucy Kettle - most of the usually decent pubs had problems as well.

Maple Road still seems a lot calmer, but at this rate it won't be long before that becomes threatening as well.

Has anyone else noticed an escalation in this type of thing over the past few months?



I am a born and bred surbitonite, and i often come back late from the station on my own, I have done this walk for about 12 years, walking towards Tolworth down Ewell road. Now i have noticed a ever increasing menacing presence in Surbiton these past few years at night, I left to live in Tooting briefly in 2007-2009 and felt safer walking back through there than i have recently in Surbiton. I have been working late in London this week and have felt really exposed walking home, and last night got accosted by two thugs carrying booze, i luckily escaped but they validated my fear as i have been slightly expecting it from my previous ventures that week walking past unsavory types, that term there is 'something in the air' comes to mind. Surbtion past 10.00pm can be completely deserted and very dark and even as a man in his late 20's i can feel quite intimidated. It bothers me to think there are women mothers and young people, well anyone who have to walk home with this threat.

This I'm sure is an issue in other areas all over i just happen to live here so am reporting my experience.


It's the usual Chessington/Kingston herberts kicking the poo out of each other.
Probably best to stay indoors until it passes.

Its not just those areas, its like this all over surbiton. I've seen fights outside that Gordons pub. Its been like this for very long time.

I think I have seen a fight at most pubs in any town I have been to - even when you go to quieter places like Esher, the trouble flares up occasionally.

The problem for me is this mass fighting, where 20+ people are getting involved. It almost seems like it is organised, and it is happening more often.

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