Saturday morning drama club in surbiton

14 years ago...

Hey all,

After paying a fortune for my daughter to go to a "large" branded theatre company (which she actually hated) , I have searched for a drama class for her and have recently just found this one. They do week night and after school clubs at the YMCA in Surbiton for kids aged 6 - 16 years. They are starting a saturday morning drama club for kids aged 6 - 12 years in May & it will run from 10.30am - 12pm weekly.
My friends kid attends the week night classes and says they are fun and really good value for money at only £20 a month for each child. I have put my daughters name down for the saturday club, but she is worried there won't be any other girls there. lol Anyone else got kids who are interested? If you are, let me know and I'll give you the details.

:) L


Hi there, I have been hunting for something like this for my daughter. If you could give me the details that would be great. Do they put together any kind of shows at all?


My 9 year old daughter would love to do drama can you foward me the details?

What was the one she hated? There's not a lot of Drama clubs around and I took my kid out of Theatre train as they were awful!

sorry.. I am just seeing replies to this. didn't know there were any. lol I haven't heard much about theatre train, but she wasn't impressed with stagecoach and the fees were phenominal. she goes to a small local group that raise funds for charity by letting the kids put on pantomimes and musicals. its Gooseontheloose children's theatre company. They now run from their base in Kingston and I don't know if you are interested for your child but if you are looking for another drama group then they are well worth a try as my daughter loves it. here is the website we use to contact them. :D

Mine go to Stagecoach Hinchley Wood, I don't think £25 a week for 3 hours and 3 different classes is bad at all, plus when you see the people who trained there who are now famous its amazing!

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