Shops and resturants in Surbiton

12 years ago...

Can someone open a restaurant in Surbiton that isn't a Curry or Chinese. I find it shocking that such an attractive and affluent area has a lack of good restaurants apart from Curry houses. Yes the French table is excellent but they must be laughing as they have no competition at all. Of course the lack of empty properties but there are still opportunities available


There are plenty of properties available - even one in a prime position on Maple Road. I can't quite understand why the last one available down there went to a loft conversion specialist rather than a restaurant/bar.

In addition to the Chinese and Indian places, there are several good Italian restaurants and gastro-type pubs and L'Esperance on Ewell Road provides good French food at reasonable prices.

I'd agree that it is a pretty poor showing for an area like this. Even Tolworth has Thai, Vietnamese & Middle Eastern offerings, so you'd expect Surbiton to at least match that.

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