So last Monday, i was in Kingston and i saw a band playing infront of the church across from John Lewis. Unfortunately just as we got there they said they'd take a break for 30 mins but that they played Thursday nights somewhere in surbiton (couldn't exactly hear where). I think it was at a place called something-Bell. Does anyone know where this band plays? I'd love to go see them.
They wore white and red stripes and were playing trumpets and stuff.
Most likely The Elm Tree, Thursday Nights. I have been helping to promote this venue with videoing good muscicians pm Thursdays sometimes Mondays too. check out www.
Paul Cox, Mandy Bell, Murray Gould, Mick Rogers, Masashi Hara (Georgie Pie) Ed Houston etc etc
A web site have latest details of artist appearing.
Hope this helps
Vidoe guy
Could that be Paul Cox and Mandy Bell?
They sometimes gig on mondays at the elm tree on victoria road, but might do the thursay night as well.....
I saw them too and didnt catch the details! But i would love to know who they are... Any help people?