Surbiton Book Club

13 years ago...


I am looking to join / set up a book club in Surbiton. I'm in my early 20s and love to read and would like to find others who are also interested in reading and sharing a bottle of wine! Get in touch if you know about an existing book club or would be interested in meeting up!




I'd really like to join a book club for reading (of course!) and meeting new people! I'm 29, my name is Hayley and I moved to Surbiton about a month ago so would love to get to know some people in the area. If anyone has any space for me to join please get in touch with me on



I've not been in the area very long, mid 20's, and I'd love to meet some new people, very keen reader so a book club sounds perfect! Are all of these mentioned above still running/still taking newbies on?


Georgie x

Hi Georgie,

Did you find a book club in the end?
I'd be interested in joining one!

Charlotte - mid 20s!

Hi Charlotte,

I'm looking to join a book club too. I'm keen to start one if there isn't already one.


Hi Laura!

Did you ever find/start that book club? I'd love to join :)

x Cat 27

Hi Cat,

We are here :-)

We are meeting 10th May and the book is The Cellist of Sarajevo. Please get in touch if you are interested!


I would really like to either join or set up a book club in Surbiton. I like reading but would also like to meet other people in the area and discuss the books over a drink or two! Anyone interested? Suzie

Hi there
I recently set up a bookclub with some girlfriends in Surbiton (there is about 7 of us) although our bookclub has a twist. We take a turn each month to choose a book for the group to read that has been turned into a movie, we then get together to have a chat about the book and then watch the move whilst enjoying some wine and nibbles! We are all in our mid to late 20's, so you are more than welcome to come along and see what you think. We are currently reading The Joy Luck club and are meeting up on the 5th of May. Let me know if you are keen :-)

Hi, I just read about your book club with a twist. I love the idea of reading books that have been turned into a film and then meeting up to discuss&watch the movie. Are you guys still meeting up and if so when are you meeting next? I'd love to join! Niamh

Hi, i'm new to the area, don't know many people and enjoy reading. Please let me know how this goes as i would like to join. Thanks.

Female, 29.

Sorry to jump on the bandwagon but I am also trying to join a bookclub in Surbiton. I enjoy reading (and wine!) and would really like to meet people in Surbiton as i don't really know that many people here.
If there is room in your book club please let me know as I'd love to come along.

Hi - that sounds great! I can't do the 5 May (got to work :-( ) but let me know of future plans and I will make a big effort to come along! My email is

The Rubicon have one once a month ...

It's on a Tuesday which is one of the only days of the week where I have a commitment. Also that looks quite focussed on the author whereas I'm looking for something with a bigger social element to it! Thanks though :)

dying to join a bookclub in the surbiton area. the idea of reviewing a book that has turned into a film or an adaption of same sounds super. i will be checking the boards for any reply.


Hi - just moved to the area and want to set up a pub based book group (currently run one in Brixton and it's a bit of a trek)

created a site here: looking for a suitable quiet pub to meet in, wednesday or thursday from about half 7 onwards!

I'm 24 years old and I am moving to Surbiton in just under 2 weeks. I'm a keen reader and would love to meet people in and around Surbiton as I don't know anybody!
I don't know if you have managed to set your group up but my email address if if you do have any information, I'd be really grateful to hear from you!

I hope it is going well if you are up and running.


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