Surbiton Station Public Footbridge & Permit Holders Carpark

14 years ago...

Do you use the public footbridge that goes over the railway by the East end of Surbiton Station? If you do, how often have you noticed the very dirty state of it - frequently I suspect! Surbiton Station is supposed to be an iconic piece of 30's architecture but it is totally spoilt by the very dirty state of that area. It is nearly always 'covered' in litter but more noticeable is the fact that any cleaning that may be done on odd occasions does not include the sides underneath the bike wheel channels or indeed the walls of particularly the overbridge itself! Similarly the car parking area on the South side of the station that is used by Permit Holders is filthy. I have established from Kingston Borough that all this is the responsibility of South West Trains and the Borough have passed on a complaint I have made about this.

In that the Borough have plans to improve the Station Forecourt as an extension of the other works under the Surbiton Improvement Plan I think that Southwest Trains ought to do more to get that bridge and car park area regularly cleaned. At the moment this whole area of the station gives a very bad impression of Surbiton!

If anyone would want to add to my complaint to South West Trains here is the address and email to use:
Customer Service Centre
Overline House
Blechynden Terrace
Southampton SO15 1GW
Telephone 0845 6000 650
Fax 023 8072 8187

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