Waitrose Refurbishement

13 years ago...

I see judging by the lack of frozen food being stocked and the sign outside the doors, the long overdue refurb is taking place. The place is falling to pieces at the seems!

I wonder if they will close.


Waitrose will be closing from Sunday 5 Sept to Thursday 9 Sept inclusive. It is re-opening on Friday 10 Sept. There will be a coffee area at the front, near to where the wines/beers are. They have already unveiled the new fridges where the meat and fish counter used to be.

do they really need a coffee section

there are 3 good cafes within 5 minutes walk of Waitrose already, I bet THEY will be really chuffed

When it first opened they had a coffee section which was very popular with the yummy mummys and meant the car park was often full as they spent the full two hours in store.

Heigh ho,progress is seldom achieved when a "suit" decides the brand or branch needs "refreshhing"

I understand that it is take away only so people will be unable to sit in and eat, it's called hospitality from what I understand, so it will most probably be similar to the one in Westfield which sells handmade baguettes and stuff.

I see Fruit and Veg has been finished, it looks brilliant, I can't wait for the rest of the store to be done! Even if it means that ive got to another branch for a few days.

Not sure about the "Flowers" in the checkout line, where the first 2 tills were. Speaking to the manager they are installing basket tills there and it is only temporary to cover the ugly mark from the old unit on the floor.

Hope they do not close the car park or else the 4X4 destruction derby participants will be in Sainsburys car park.

I doubt that they will do much. The store is quite modern by Waitrose standards.

I have just recently seen the plans for the new store in Sevenoaks, Kent. It looks great, but this store has been in place since the late 1980's and not much has been done to it since. It feels really old fashioned inside compared to the Surbiton one.

The store in Weybridge is of the same design, and they need to spend money on that before the relatively modern Surbiton store.

I was shopping today, it looks like a massive project. The celing in parts of the store is already down and I saw one of the builders with the plans, it looks like a big change.

The sign says that it will be completed Early September so it's got to be pretty big changes.

There is a information board by the self scanner desk, it states that they are replacing all fridges and freezers, installing a new wines department, new shelving throughout, new counters. It also says that they are going to do Stationary, Kitchenware and Cards at long last.

Woolies will live again at Waitrose,why push a good store so downmarket?

Chatting to one of the members of staff on deli yesterday, I understand they are putting in a take away counter where the wines are at the moment, be good for the communters in the evening to get some snacks.

The claremont road entrance area looks massive now, I went to have a look through the windows yesterday, I was unable to go down the side as the walkway is closed for "security reasons"

What about M&S food over the road?

Good for rich students but otherwise very poor.

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