How do you save the British pub? Relaxing the smoking ban is an option. Maybe breweries could support their landlords, instead of treating them like the squatters who stand between them and a big property deal. A less punitive tax system which encouraged social drinking and punished binge boozers might work.
Surbiton, Surrey, UK, February 2013: The Maple Road Surbiton Farmers' has won an award to become Farmers' Market of the Year after entering the national Farmers' Retail and Markets Association (FARMA) Awards.
A volunteer and street pastor who looks after partygoers who are worse for wear at night and toddlers by day has been
nominated as a Surrey Comet unsung hero.
Local solicitor Sushila Abraham is the Liberal Democrat in the Berrylands Ward By-Election being held on Thursday 28th February. The vacancy was caused by the sad death of popular councillor Frances Moseley.