Update on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) from Kingston Council

Kingston Council is asking for social care workers and volunteers to come forward to support the most vulnerable in our community.

We are looking to add to our team of Community Volunteers with specialist skills in social work and occupational therapy. If you are a retired or currently unemployed social worker or occupational therapist or have skills and experience in these areas, we would welcome your time and support. A few hours a week of your time could make a big difference to our residents. Tasks could include supporting our services in their contact with vulnerable people, home visiting, telephone advice, shopping, and assistance with correspondence. 

Councillor Caroline Kerr, Leader of Kingston Council, said: “Everyone is doing so well at staying home but behind many closed doors there is increasing need. That is why today I am appealing for anyone who has a background in health or social care to come forward and volunteer.”

Please contact us by completing the online form on our website and providing us with details on your experiences and offer.

Tolworth food distribution centre

The Tolworth food distribution centre was set up in the course of three days and has already started distributing food to over 100 households, with a focus on people who are being shielded, who have to stay at home either because of an underlying health condition or because of their age.

Cllr Kerr said: “I think Kingston’s just an incredible place, the generosity, of giving funds, of giving time, and what’s been great this week, is that in 2 or 3 days, seeing how many people have come together, they’ve invited friends and neighbours to come and be part of it, knowing that they want to meet the needs that someone else has got.

“And it’s something they can do, that going to make a really big difference, just for even half an hour, it makes a really big difference.”

If you’re somebody at home who needs help and who hasn’t heard from the council, please go on the council website, or phone our number that’s 0208 547 5000, and we’ll try and get you the help that you need.

Arts Council England’s Emergency Response Fund 

Arts Council England's (ACE) COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Emergency Response Fund opens soon and will provide grants to freelance creative practitioners whose income has been affected by the emergency. Individual grants of up to £2,500 are available. There will be two funding rounds and applicants can apply to only one of these. 

Round one opens on 9 April 2020 with a deadline for applications of 16 April 2020. Round two opens on 16 April 2020 with a deadline for applications of 30 April 2020. 

In addition, £50 million is being made available to organisations in the cultural sector, who are not National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs) or Music Education Hubs. Organisations can apply for a maximum of £35,000. The fund aims to support organisations to get back on their feet, or to continue making work in the future that will mean they can contribute to delivering ACE’s new strategy, Let’s Create. 

Round one opens for applications on 9 April 2020 with a deadline for applications on 16 April. Round two opens for applications on 16 April 2020 with a deadline for applications of 30 April. 

To apply, individuals or organisations must first register on ACE’s Grantium application portal.



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