World War I play next off for Kingston Festival of the Voice

A celebration of the singing and spoken voice will feature a touring First World War play during the centenary anniversary of the war this year.

The Cornerhouse will host Bas, the story of a Welsh minister and an Irish guard that become trapped in a dug-out following a German raid. The historical themed play will be part of Kingston Festival of the Voice which kicked off its five-weeks of entertainment earlier this month. The festival, put on by Kingston Arts, is for anybody who can appreciate the many sounds that come out of our mouths and will include powerful monologues, jazz and choral singers.

The festival launched with a jazz concert by singer Tina May last week but jazz-lovers are in for a treat as there is still time to catch her live at the Cornerhouse as part of the festival on Tuesday, March 11. A bi-lingual comedy night drawing from both English and Italian as well as performances by the Lovekyn Consort, singing duets from the Monteverdi Scherzi Musicali collections and the Tiffin Boys’ Choir are also part of the strong festival line-up.

The Thames Philharmonic Choir, from Kingston, has also bagged the prime location of Cadogan Hall for its contribution to the festival which has a slogan of Sing, Speak, Listen, Celebrate and goes on until March 29. The festival will also include storytelling, the opportunity to try some Shakespearean dialogue, a concert by the Kingston Choral Society and a night of electronica as well as workshops to bring out the soprano in singers.


  • Speak with Confidence, teaches persuasive communication and gives participants the chance to take home a CD with their own voice on it on Saturday, March 1, from 11am to 1pm at Hook Recording Studio, Hook Road, Chessington.
  • For the little ones there is a sensory and singing party called Singing Hands in the Moor Lane Centre, in Moor Lane, Chessington on Wednesday, March 5 from 10.30am to 11.30am.
  • Shakespeare comes back to life in an evening of sonnets, Elizabethan songs and dances in St Andrew’s Church in Maple Road, Surbiton on Saturday, March 8 from 7.30pm.
  • First World War themed play Bas will play at the Cornerhouse in Douglas Road, Surbiton on Sunday, March 9 at 2pm.
  • A vocal delight by the Lovekyn Consort titled Monteverdi and the Maidens will take place on Thursday, March 13 at the Lovekyn Chapel at 7.30pm.
  • The Thames Philharmonic Choir and the Thames Festival Orchestra will join forces to perform the works of Brahms and Elgar at the Cadogan Hall in Sloane Terrace, Chelsea on Saturday, March 15 at 7.30pm.
  • A bi-lingual comedy night for over 18’s promises to be a good night out at the Ram Jam Club in Richmond road, Kingston on Tuesday, March 18 at 8pm.
  • For some live music there is bands night at the Grey Horse in Richmond Road, Kingston on Thursday, March 18 from 8pm.
  • Adventures in Electronica promises acoustic to explosive percussion in St Mark’s Hall, Church Hill Road, Surbiton on Saturday, March 22 from 7.30pm.
  • The Euphonix Community Choir will put on a concert and a singing workshop at the Rose on Wednesday, March 26 from 1pm to 4pm.
  • The festival’s closing concert will include Kingston Choral Society’s finest at St Andrew’s Church in Maple Road, Surbiton on Saturday, March 29 at 7.30pm.
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