'Happy go lucky' son took own life over benefit changes and job fears, inquest hears

A man described as "happy-go-lucky" took his own life on his 46th birthday after being overwhelmed by welfare worries.

Neil Groves, who lived with his father in Manordene Close, Thames Ditton, had been on antidepressants for a number of years, and found the prospect of a potential change to his employment and his ESA support allowance benefit difficult to cope with. He died after jumping in front of a train at Surbiton station on Thursday, February 13.

Dr Sian Britton, of Esher Green Surgery, had seen Mr Groves a week before his death, and had suggested he urgently undertook a psychological assessment, which he had agreed to. His father, Ronald Groves, said he had struggled with employment and was finding the welfare system a challenge. Despite this, Mr Groves was described as "quite happy-go lucky" but was recently more worried that his welfare would change. The driver of the train that hit him, who had only been working for 11 months at the time, also gave evidence at the inquest. Coroner Chinyere Inyama ruled today (Friday, October 3) that Mr Groves took his own life.

The Mind charity promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems. Its helpline number is 03001 233 393. To get in touch with the Samaritans in Kingston, call 020 8399 6676 or drop in at 12 St Andrew’s Road, Surbiton. Samaritans lend a confidential ear to those in distress.


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