Lido idea for historic filter bed site

A 50m swimming lido has been proposed as an alternative use of the historic filter bed site in Surbiton.


A lido is a fabulous idea ... lets have some fun in Surbiton.

Football pitches, cricket pitches we have plenty of them... swimming facility we don't have - great idea and can have a river side path along side it.

Some people want a heritage site not a development see this link

What do people think

If it was an either or, I'd prefer a footbridge to open access to Home Park on the other side of the Thames.
A footbridge offers far more benefit to a far greater number of Surbiton residents.

A heritage centre has only a limited appeal, and will likely have higher day to maintenance costs.

It sounds idyllic, however the residents around this area are concerned about a large increase in traffic, pollution and noise. A public lido would bring all of these factors. Personally, I still prefer the Hydro properties idea which opens the area for local pedestrians and makes sure it will be looked after. There are perfectly adequate lidos available just a few miles away in Hampton or Richmond. If the Hydro Properties development brought a footbridge or reliable river taxi then the Hampton Lido is just a short and wonderful cycle away via Bushy park.

have you looked at the plans - the area might be open for pedestrians, but there is nowhere meaningful for tehm to walk to or from.

A footbridge to the other side of the thames would change it, but the current plans truly offer a footpath to nowhere

Yes, Anonymous, I have studied the plans and visited the expo. At the moment there is zero access to the area. A lido is most likely not to change that greatly, being a fee paid service. Of course, they may open a surrounding path just like the Hydro properties are proposing. A path like this would be great for joggers, young families and dog walkers, who don't have a huge amount of choice at the moment. It'll be a footpath to fitness and tranquility IMO.
A lido will bring a constant amount of traffic and on hot days - an unreasonable amount of pollution and noise. It's a ridiculous plan. Whoever dreamt this up as a viable solution for the land has their heads in the clouds. It's hardly a project the local council will be looking for during a period of major cuts, and as a private investment not attractive for the regeneration due to earlier mentioned reasons.
Personally, I'd want a big park, fill up one of the beds and we could have football pitches, cricket pitches etc etc .. that would be great.

Oh, and why haven't bothered to update their site with details of the plan. Seems a little lazy and unsubstantial at the moment. I feel some of the local reporting and quotes from councillors are completely biased. I have spoken to virtually no-one in the area who is against Hydro's plans ..

Surmounted by a giant wind turbine no doubt,we had a perfectly good "lido" in the Surbiton Lagoon,now built on so lets just get on and build houses for folks to live in.

why not go the whole hog then and just cover the whole of the Thames with these floating concrete boxes.
I'm sure we could squeeze a tower block or ten onto the few local open spaces we have in central Surbiton as well.

Your perfectly good lido suffered the same fate, and is now buried under housing.

There is no chance that this site will be used for anything other than housing. The reason that it has layed derilict for so long is that the owners are trying to wring every last penny out of it.

Now more than ever, housing is the most lucrative way to use any land in suburban areas like this.

I'd love to see something like this Lido built, something that actually benefits the existing community rather than expanding the community further and putting extra pressure on the existing facilities.

Unfortunately, greed did for the Surbiton Lagoon all those years ago. Developers have only got more greedy since then...

I can imagine a lido would be quite popular but share some of the concerns regarding accessability and congestion. It may also be difficult to justify the maintenance expense given it will unlikely be used outside of the summer months (unless its heated).

I am not opposed to the floating homes scheme as long as the developers are required to give something back to the coummunity which is of real benefit. I would like to see the developers be pushed to incorporate a footbridge across the Thames into their plans. This would be a huge asset to residents, pedestrians, cyclists by making the open spaces of Home Park and the towpath on the other side of the river much more accessable. It would add to the attractiveness of Surbiton and would make the floating homes feel less cut off from the rest of the area.

Let's build a floating prison on the site so we can round up all the dregs from the YMCA. We can then charge admission and have our very own surbiton zoo!

Lido, bring back the lagoon, just don't let CMM Estates attempt to build it.

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