Crossrail 2 is the only "viable solution" for congested train network, says Kingston and Surbiton MP James Berry

A new report that predicts further overcrowding for train commuters has led to Surbiton and Kingston MP James Berry calling the introduction of Crossrail 2 the only “viable solution” for the borough’s increasingly congested network.

Under current plans, Kingston should have five Crossrail 2 stations, including Chessington North and Tolworth, meaning trains running every six minutes would reach Tottenham Court Road in central London via Wimbledon in 20 minutes. Mr Berry, who boards overcrowded trains from Surbiton most mornings, has now cited Network Rail’s Wessex Route Study, that predicts a 40 per cent increase in train passengers in the next 30 years, as a means for an even stronger case to invest in Crossrail 2 for the borough.

The report sees Network Rail admit that, even before this growth, the network needs to expand by 20 per cent to meet existing overcrowding on the borough’s services.

If the Crossrail 2 proposal was approved, it would involve some major infrastructure changes for the borough, including replacing Kingston train station.


I'd definitely welcome more trains from Surbiton into central London in the morning and evening rush hours and having a direct train to Tottenham Court Road to link with CR1 might finally make the Surbiton to Heathrow journey reasonable by public transport.

The government seem intent on expanding Heathrow rather than Gatwick and whilst living only a few miles away, my only realistic transport options are two buses (one to Kingston and another to Heathrow) or a taxi, both of which can easily run to well over an hour.

Having a 20 minute commute into TCR and 20 minutes back out to Heathrow would be a definite improvement in that regard, even if it does seem a bit ridiculous travelling 20+ miles to get to an airport that is only about 10 miles away!

The key thing that would worry me with the proposal is that it would just be seen as an excuse to build thousands more homes in the area to benefit from the extra capacity, when really all the extra capacity does is get us back to where we should have been 20 years ago with the current population.

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