John Harding has now been missing for two weeks

Police officers continue their efforts to locate Tolworth pensioner John Harding, who has now been missing from his home for two weeks.

Officers are asking people in the Tolworth area to check garages and outbuildings. They remain extremely concerned for his welfare and reiterate previous appeals for information from the public which may assist in locating him.

John was last seen on Saturday 26 April, at 19:00hrs when he left his home address in Woodland Way, telling his wife he was going for a walk.

John HardingHe was seen to turn right onto Barnbury Lane and walk down an alleyway towards Tolworth Rise South - The southbound slip road off the A3, towards the Tolworth roundabout. Mr Harding left his wallet, bus pass and mobile telephone behind. He has not been seen or heard from since then.

Detective Inspector Simon Day from Kingston CID, said: "So far John Harding's disappearance is a mystery. No one has seen him or heard from him since he left his home address that evening.

"Obviously his wife is distraught and is desperate to know he is ok, particularly as John suffers with high blood pressure and diabetes and as far as we are aware he has no medication with him.

"I am appealing to anyone who may have seen or spoken to John to contact the police. In particular I would like to appeal to drivers who were on the A3 heading towards the Tolworth roundabout to cast their mind back to that date and contact us if they saw John Harding walking in that area. He would have been quite distinctive as he walks very slowly by taking small steps and shuffling forward."

John is described as a white man, approximately 5ft 6ins tall, with short white hair and a mole on his forehead. At the time of his disappearance he was wearing a brown three-quarter length coat, a checked jumper, navy blue trousers, black 'ecco' shoes. He may be wearing glasses.

Anyone with information regarding John's whereabouts should call police on 101 or Missing People on 116 000, quoting reference 14MIS014040.


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