"We need closure": Questions go unanswered in inquest into death of West Molesey man found in Surbiton

The family of a man found dead in a Surbiton block of flats say they still lack closure after a key witness refused to answer questions put to him during an inquest into the death.

David Edrupt, 30, whose body was found on the landing outside a second floor flat on May 31 last year was described by his father as “a lovely guy”. The inquest at West London Coroners’ Court on May 3 left the 18 family members and friends who attended dissatisfied as they repeatedly tried to ask questions of Jaimie Ortiz Beccerra, who last saw Mr Edrupt alive, and the officer from Kingston police who took charge of the investigation into his death.

Senior coroner Chinyere Inyama told the group the questions they wanted answers to were a matter for police, not his court, which does not deal with criminal accusations. Mr Ortiz Beccerra was initially arrested on suspicion of murder but later released with no further action. Mr Edrupt, of Molesham Way, West Molesey, had been in a pub in Surbiton with friends the night before he died. He and Mr Ortiz Beccerra had not met before, but shared a cigarette near Surbiton station at about 1am, before making their way back to Mr Ortiz Beccerra’s home in Surbiton Court, St Andrew’s Square.

Hours later, Mr Edrupt was found dead in the landing. A post-mortem examination found he had died of acute alcohol intoxication. His death was initially treated as a murder but in January the Metropolitan Police confirmed they believed it to be non-suspicious. Mr Inyama asked Mr Ortiz Beccerra if he had been drunk that night. Mr Ortiz Beccerra said he had, and confirmed through a Spanish interpreter he had drunk beer and gin and tonic. He said Mr Edrupt had seemed as drunk as he was.

Mr Inyama told Mr Ortiz Beccerra he had the right, under the rules that govern inquests, not to answer questions which he believed might incriminate him. Following this Mr Ortiz Beccerra chose not to answer a number of questions.

Mr Ortiz Beccerra refused to answer questions relating to drinking in his home, or confirm whether he and Mr Edrupt had had a row before he left. The inquest heard about 250 people attended the funeral of the Harlequins supporter and heard heartfelt statements from colleagues. Detective Sergeant Lee Tullett said the post-mortem examination, toxicology results and lack of evidence of foul play had put an end to the murder investigation. The toxicology report found Mr Edrupt had 366 milligrams of alcohol for every 100 millilitres of blood in his body at the time of his death. The legal limit for driving is 80 milligrams.


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