Surbo 15: The fun begins for Surbiton Festival this weekend

A mad hatter’s tea party and antiques valuing are just some of the activities on the bill for this year’s Surbiton Festival kicking off at the weekend.

Dubbed Surbo15, the two-week long stretch of parties, cycling races and comedy shows will give the community a chance to come together and enjoy the weird and wonderful delights of Surbiton.

The Safer Surbiton Supper gets things off to a classy start on Friday, September 11, to celebrate community and business involvement in making Surbiton safer. Children are also very much a part of events and can visit the world of Alice in Wonderland for a tea party. Celebrating 150 years of the beloved children's book, the best-dressed attendees will win prizes. Just make sure not to be late for the very important date of Saturday, September 12.

For those who love cycling, and those who have barely perched on a saddle, the Trycyclingathon caters for all. Taking place on Sunday, September 13, riders are encouraged to don classic period cycling attire. The experienced option will take riders 44 miles through Hampton Court, Cobham, Leatherhead and Epsom, whilst the family option promises a gentler 10 mile ride, running through Bushy Park. All cycling routes will reconvene in Claremont Gardens where participants will be met with live music, entertainment and various stalls offering food and refreshments.

A celebration of the river forms part of the second week of Surbo15. A river based bonanza including try-outs for sailing, rowing and paddle boarding on September 19 and 20. The theme of hats covers all weather eventualities. The message of the festival is simple - get involved and enjoy the fortnight.


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