Penrhyn Road Go Cycle project completed as construction of Ewell Road scheme begins

Work to construct the Ewell Road Go Cycle scheme gets underway, as a key route in Kingston Town Centre and improvements at Kingston Bridge are completed.

This cycle route is located on Surbiton Road and Penrhyn Road between Surbiton Crescent and College roundabout. The scheme provides useful connections to the Crown Court, Surrey County Council and the new Kingston University campus. The design of the route was developed in collaboration with the University to complement their own building works.

The project features a new segregated two way cycle lane with new crossings, continuous footways and cycleways over some of the adjoining side roads. The scheme also includes a ‘floating’ bus stop (sometimes known as 'bus stop bypass') running behind the passenger boarding area at the stop on the southbound section of the road outside Kingston University.

As the sixth Go Cycle route to be completed, Penrhyn Road provides a safe and continuous route for cyclists travelling between Surbiton and Kingston Town Centre and a link between two other already completed schemes. The northern part of the Penrhyn Road route connects with Wheatfield Way and the southern end joins the Surbiton to Kingston scheme.

Go Cycle improvement works have also just been completed at Kingston bridge and Horsefair. This section is a key part of the Kingston Station route to upgrade pedestrian and cycle facilities as well as improve links between the historic town centre, the Thames Path and north Kingston.

The Penrhyn Road project is the first section of the wider Kingston to Tolworth Go Cycle scheme. Construction work is now underway on the second section of the Kington to Tolworth Go Cycle scheme along Ewell Road.

The Ewell Road scheme is the ninth Go Cycle project to be built. When finished, it will provide a cycle link between Tolworth Broadway and Surbiton at the junction of Surbiton Hill Road and St Mark’s Hill.

The £32 million Go Cycle programme is funded by Transport for London (TfL) to improve transport infrastructure, promote sustainable travel and provide safer routes for cycling. Once complete, the Go Cycle network will provide crucial connectivity for people who choose to cycle across the borough.

The schemes adopt the latest insights in implementing a smarter, more sustainable ‘Healthy Streets’ approach to evolving Kingston’s transport infrastructure, bringing connectivity and a cleaner, lower emissions focus to ‘keeping people moving’ around Kingston town centre.

Transforming the transport infrastructure in Kingston forms part of the borough's long-term strategy to improve air quality, and the health and wellbeing of our residents. Being able to accommodate a growing local population, while improving the transport options, routes and connectivity within the borough is the challenge Kingston is facing along with the whole of London, and, with the help of Transport for London, Kingston has been investing in its roads, pedestrian areas and cycle network.


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