Objections deal blow to Surbiton filter bed plans

Plans to build flats on the Surbiton filter beds have been dealt a further blow after official sports and transport bodies raised concern
over the development.


Good luck to all those Groups fighting this development lets hope the Kingston councillors who make the decision on 23rd Feburary are listening to the community.

This is a typical nimby attitude to oppose the development no matter what. The current site is ugly and and serves no benefit to the community. If it were to be redeveloped and the watefront opened to the public - this can only be a good thing if done in the righ way. The concerns that have been raised by the community should be taken on board by the developers in any revised plans. However, making blanket objections to the proposal will results in driving away private investment and ultimately it will be the community that loses out.

I think the people of Surbiton need to become a bit more 'nimby'.

I agree with you that this development isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world as it will at least improve on the eyesore that is currently there.

However, the fact is that Surbiton is already massively over-developed and each new development takes the infrastructure closer to breaking point.

Most people move to Surbiton to take advantage of the combination of fast train link to London whilst still living in a nice area. This is fine, but look at what has happened in the last 40 years - Surbiton's population has exploded due to many of it's original large family houses being converted into flats.

Some of these houses would originally have housed a family with one or two people commuting each day. Now they have been converted into flats and sold/rented to professionals there might be 12 or more people using the train every day. Literally hundreds of these houses have been converted and many other have been razed to make way for large blocks of flats.

Meanwhile, there are actually less trains serving Surbiton station today then there were in the 1970's. Similarly, there has been little improvement to the road infrastructure in that time even though the number of cars has grown with each new development.

I like the idea of Surbiton continuing to expand and prosper, but it can only do so with proper improvements in the supporting infrastructure.

The developers could really get the people of Surbiton onside and bring great benefit to them by funding a pedestrian bridge across the river from the site. Thus opening up the under used Home Park to Surbiton (not to mention Hampton Court Gardens and Bushy Park beyond).

Yes, And does anyone know what is that enormous ugly concrete construction underway round the back/side of Saint Marks church??

Already discussed on this site.......see link from a couple of years ago:


But how many of the contributors on this website actually complained to the council at the time of the planning application??
Very few I'd guess.

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