IKAM and police hold Tolworth home security seminar

Over 100 residents attended a seminar on home security aimed specifically at members and friends of the Indian Kairali Associated Movement.

Over 100 residents attended a seminar on home security on Saturday, March 2, aimed specifically at members and friends of the Indian Kairali Associated Movement (IKAM). Living in local areas of Kingston, Tolworth, New Malden, and Surbiton, the group usually holds traditional and cultural events in the Borough. After concerns voiced by members, they approached Kingston police via the Tolworth neighbourhood committee to organise a home security seminar tailored specifically around the needs of their audience.

Organised by the police’s Safer Neighbourhood team in Tolworth the well attended meeting heard from Deputy Borough Commander, Bill Heasman, and PC Ian Horgan who gave a detailed presentation on reducing the risk of residential burglary.

Introductions were made by Mathews Thomas, the founder and now patron of IKAM. Guests included Councillors Vicki Harris, Rolson Davies, and Sushila Abraham, as well as ex mayor Mr Rohan Yoghanathan, Fr Anthony Charlton, and Mr Kenneth Wilkes, who also addressed the meeting. The police team included Inspector Caroline Newman, who heads the Safer Neighbourhood teams in the South of the Borough, Police Sergeants Campbell and Forsyth, PCs Nicolaou, Lee, Thurairatnasingam, and Styles, as well as four PCSOs.

RBK was represented by Mr Barry Allen, RBK’s Neighbourhood Committee manager, and Maciej Mastusiak from the RBK Neighbourhood Committee office.


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